Monday, January 16, 2017

A True Greek Tragedy - Odyssey of the EU

The cradle of democracy is under attack. The Inherent Autonomy of the human spirit is at stake. What was won at the Battle of Thermopylae, was lost in the banksters board rooms that control the EU. The fluidity of this definitive game of chicken, poses the beheading of the rooster and the scorching of all the hens. This journey into Land of the Lotus Eaters, not only needs to blind Polyphemus, but must destroy his New World Order father, Poseidon. The designed destruction of democratic authority is meant to eliminate any referendum on the EU despotism. The phony debt instruments caused the Greek default, that will soon spread the planetary misery, on the rest of us. Western civilization’s birth, owes homage to the Greek principle of individual autonomy. Its demise is a product of the inherent betrayal of humanity by the forces of financial exploitation, that exemplifies 1 Timothy 6:10, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

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