A subject so near and dear has become a national preoccupation. Avoid thinking about just how much taxation really targets our pocket books. The resigned rationalization that nothing can be done to avoid the taxman is the underpinning attitude that pervades the economy. So ironic that most business decisions are deeply influenced if not outright made by their tax consequences. The entire accounting profession is built upon a produce of reporting and compliance with a sought after goal of avoidance. What other sector dominates your financial universe more than the fear that your affairs will be audited in minute detail and that interest and penalties will be assessed. As any observant taxpayer would attest, abiding by the tax law is a full time endeavor. Hiring legions of accountants, CPA’s, financial advisors and tax attorneys has become one of the few growth industries that seem to be immune to offshore outsourcing. If Congress and the IRS are unable to comprehend the complexity of the tax codes, how can you expect a sub-continent boiler room to be an effective advocate for your very own financial survival?
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