Friday, January 31, 2014

Nikolai Berdyaev and the Eighth Day of Creation

Freedom is a topic that consumes our modern day society. While, it is assumed, by most; that being free is natural and essential, few understand the boundaries that fix the limits of freedom. Nikolai Berdyaev may not be a well known philosopher, but his fresh outlook offers valuable insights. A Russian who in 1909 contributed to a symposium which reaffirmed the values of Orthodox Christianity was later appointed by the Bolshevists to a chair of philosophy in the University of Moscow. Imprisoned and exiled, he remained a Russian. He announced his adhesion to the Soviet government, while criticising the return to a policy of repression. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Bludgeon Constitution Replaced By Fiat Edicts

The rule of law is an empty memory of the past. The powers that rule are globalists that control governments and use their media outlets to write the first version of history. They pull the strings of the intelligence agencies that function as over throwers of non-compliant regimes. Constitutional restrictions that limit impulsive or capricious dictates once protected citizens. With the utter eradication of separations of power and the "Federalist", form of distinct roles and authority of independent States, the core legitimacy of the United States vanished.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Private Prisons and the Enslavement Society

What more time-honored practice in the long history of state sponsored servitude than the institutionalization of prisoners? Incarceration for offenses against government laws is a cornerstone for power and survivability of any regime. Prisons may have been hellholes over the centuries, but seldom has the internment of convicted lawbreakers been a growth industry for private profit. It almost makes one wonder exactly who are the crooks. While most hard-pressed citizens want a safe and secure society, few ever give even a passing thought to the insatiable corporatist criminalization of the criminal justice system. Just how many Americans agree with the proposition, if you did the crime, you need to serve the time. 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Obama Exodus to the Promised Land

Barak Obama’s journey to the Holy Land hardly resembles the trek of Moses through the wilderness. Nonetheless, his flee from accountability does remind of that often professed transparency. In this case, he cannot hide from his misdeeds. An open question remains, will public outrages banish the POTUS under the weight of his transgressions. Alternatively, will the powers of Pharaoh succeed in suppressing his enemies? 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Court and your Castle

Justifying the Glorious Revolution of 1688, John Locke advanced natural-rights theory of government. He argued that all just governments are founded on consent and are designed solely to protect people in their inherent rights to life, liberty, and property.  By "property," Locke meant more than land and goods that could be sold, given away, or even confiscated by the government under certain circumstances. Property also referred to ownership of one's self, which included a right to personal well being. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Friday, January 24, 2014

Haiti remains a failed society

With the news that Jean-Bertrand Aristide has fled Haiti, the ignoble tradition of the Duvalier’s continues. You hear that Aristide was the first democratically elected president of that country. However, most are ignorant of the history of the last half century. François Duvalier was a physician and was tagged with the nickname, "Papa Doc".  With the army's support, he was elected to the presidency in 1957. This is an age where the international community demands that they certify elections for them to be valid. It comes as no surprise, that he was dubbed a tyrant, when the voodoo practitioner declared himself president for life.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Scalawag Culture Preserves Scoundrels

With the firing of Paul O’Neill, you get another clear signal that the Bush crowd is no different from all the rest of the political hacks. The real issue in not about one man, the performance of markets or prospects for poll ratings in the next election. No, it is about the struggle over economic policy. The enhanced interests of Wall Street usually comes at the expense of main street. If people are confused about the reasons for the lack of free enterprise, within and among the corridors and comptrollers of capital, they will never understand the nature of the clash of cultures. 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The pompous and sanctimonious appeals for a woman's choice is akin to allowing her to select a benign form of execution, since the Supreme Court has ruled that cruel and unusual punishment is illegal. Managing a pregnancy in your world, absolves personal responsibility and guilt. Shame when earned by licentious behavior is appropriate and the price that should be paid. By your amoral relativism, those who shun the immoral behavior of those who shamed themselves, is more of a sin than the act of lewdness.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Group or the Individual

A central theme of politics is the tension between the primacy of the individual or the group. How this conflict is resolved, bears directly upon the kind of policies that are implemented and accepted in most societies. Martin Buber was a deeply religious man and equates religion with interhuman relations and the performance of loving deeds. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Real Threat to National Security

Is the threat from foreign terrorists the undertaking of homeland insecurity?  The preoccupation since 911 with a self-serving “War of Terror” has been masked under the appearance of national security.  Tracking down targeted Jihad terrorists and waging regional search and destroy missions has become the growth industry of the new millennium.  The rationale and justification for such a protracted conflict rests upon a cowardly attack on American soil.  If you listen to the official version of events anyone who questions the validity of blaming Islamic Fascists must be unpatriotic.  

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Friday, January 17, 2014

Edgar Steele and the National Defense Authorization Act

From the ACLU to hard-core traditional conservative pundits, opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act is united. Yet you hear almost nothing in the propaganda media about the final nail in the coffin of the Republic. Legalizing a draconian police state is in place. Burning the final copy of the Bill of Rights accomplished at last. Finally, the goal of inflicting universal fear in the minds of every American who still possesses the ability of critical thinking is now complete. Will anyone care about the interment of citizens in the entombment of maximum security prisons? The NDAA leaves no doubt. No one is safe.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Thursday, January 16, 2014

BP – Beyond Petroleum = Big Trouble

The public relations television campaign states that BP now means beyond petroleum no longer appears on air. British Petroleum inescapably and unremittingly is now linked as the culpable corporate criminal of the greatest man made environmental disaster of all time. As confusing as the catastrophe seems, no one can reasonably deny the danger the Gulf of Mexico region has already suffered. The only unanswered aspect is how much more damage will migrate from beyond the drilling blow out.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"Girlie Man" Culture of Government Schools

The notion that gender egalitarianism is central to the education process has caused dire consequences to Western Civilization. If proponents really sought political, social and economic equality between the genders, one might examine their claims with a sense of impartiality. However, the record of a feminized construct clearly demonstrates that equivalence is not their intention. Dominance of the masculine mind with codependent emotionalism out of a soap opera script surfaces as the real objective in the eternal war between the sexes. Imagine the inevitability of damage done to impressionable minds by an entire educational system intentionally designed to subjugate the natural instincts of a well-adjusted male student.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

If terrorists were really serious

"Them against us", is the battle cry.  Forget about a "global struggle against violent extremism," it's a war, so says President Bush.  Keep the pressure up and the fraud going.  Never let the debate discuss the merits of the strategy or the results of the policy.  Thinking can never be allowed to penetrate the decisions.  Attack any opposition to the course of escalation and permanent intervention.  Fight them "Over There", so we can be safe at home!  Ever wonder why these terrorists keep building nail bombs while the great super power runs their search and destroy missions? 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, January 13, 2014

How to elect a Republican President

There are still some dedicated Republicans that remain loyal to their party. The question is how may politicians within that party can claim that same distinction? While the failures of investing your own integrity and purpose in such political organizations should be quite obvious, many still are determined to wear the party label. So what can a staunch GOP supporter do when their President self implodes? 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, January 10, 2014

National ID

Only a fool, translation - LIBERAL; would think the real danger in losing our privacy comes from the current threat of terrorists, and deny that government is the 'Big Terror'. When our modern day, John Reed claims that "a majority of Americans who are willing to trade a portion of their privacy for better security", shows how much he fails to understand the American experience. Majorities have no legitimacy for voluntary giving away of RIGHTS. People accept abuses out of their laziness to resist and a frustration that they can't stop the juggernaut of the tyrant. But the mindset of the Liberal sees no problem with marching to the tune of Ein Sohn des Volkes will ich sein und bleiben (I want to Be and remain a Son of the People). 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Religious Meaning as the Art of the Existential Experience

As any devoted person to the search for the meaning of life knows and admits, the question of God is central. The decision to accept not only the existence of God but his supremacy over the universe is the most significant decision that one can make. Those who reject this conclusion, set themselves up for a man centered cosmos. Logical evidence, intelligent arguments and rational proof are unnecessary, for in the end only belief is needed. All the scientists who ever lived can’t disprove God, while every theologian who ever preached can’t certify his existence to those who are unwilling to believe.

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Duty of the Military in a Militarized Empire

Those who serve in the military are in a difficult position. The oath taken by enlistees states, "I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." The internal conflict between supporting and defending the Constitution and obeying orders is at the heart of the dilemma of honor and duty. Those who accept that the Presidential chain of command is by nature constitutional; lack a proper understanding of history and professes an even greater ignorance of current affairs. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Liberty for the Ron Paul Generation

The stark reality about the Ron Paul revolution is that the power elites could not survive in a society based upon individual liberty. Nevertheless, this statement does not imply that a Paul presidency would guarantee the elimination of the oligarchy. The faint memory of what a free nation could be or even what our country once was, could be revived under certain circumstances. Imagine the abolishment of the Federal Reserve and the fractional debt created money system. Consider a non-interventionist foreign policy that allows for actual national defense and secures the borders. Or, best of all, a limited government culture that is based upon the principle that government exists to serve citizens in their pursuit of freedom. Thomas Jefferson’s soul lives within the Ron Paul generation. 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Monday, January 6, 2014

What Does it Mean To Be A Radical?

The meaning of language is often misunderstood, but the confusion that comes out of the pure ignorance for disregarding history, is boundless.  From Wikipedia: the term Radical (latin radix meaning root) has been used since the late 18th century as a label in political science for those favouring or trying to produce thoroughgoing or extreme political reforms which can include changes to the social order to a greater or lesser extent. Historical Radicalism was quite distinct from the modern American usage of radical to denote political extremes of right or left.  An insightful way to examine the meaning of being radical can be found in the tragic chronicle that destroyed the vaulted Republic.  The watershed event that caused the decisive destruction of the American experiment was the War of Northern Aggression.  In order to gain the significance of that era, a short account of the Republican party is most useful.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Friday, January 3, 2014

Assault on Liberty Originate with Secular Humanism

The most endangered concept and foundation of the American Republic is LIBERTY. The entire validity and purpose of government is to advance and protect individual natural rights. Natural law is the only supreme canon to base government upon and organize society. Our common law tradition rests upon natural law.  Western civilization’s essence is intrinsic in the inherent autonomy of each human being. Our universal nature  bestowed from God. Life is not an accident, but is a gift. Christian ethics, values and teachings are synonymous with the founding of our nation. Thomas Jefferson states, "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time." (A Summary View of the Rights of British America).

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Mob For All Seasons

So Uday and Qusay Hussein rest on a slab with a name tag attached to their toe. Using a tank killer and TOW missile to finish the task, no surprise that the photos are not flattering to the deceased. As one looks upon the images, what exactly does one see? Contention over their authenticity, may become sport for a parlor game, but the facts remain - the Hussein boys are finally irrelevant. Definitely, it won’t be long before those pictures will undergo a creative metamorphosis into your favorite and hated foe. Can’t you already see a bloated Bill and Hill look alike in the garb of the wicked tyrants?

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nuke Countdown Starts

Are you prepared for a mushroom cloud over a major American city? It is hard to imagine how it is possible to protect our own people, as the world spins out of control. The talk that a home made dirty nuke is a real possibility, deflects the prospects that a smart briefcase bomb is in the loop. Fear is a natural response to the unthinkable. However, as long as a culture of refusal persists, the risks continue to escalate.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives