Friday, November 28, 2014

"Girlie Man" Culture of Government Schools

The notion that gender egalitarianism is central to the education process has caused dire consequences to Western Civilization. If proponents really sought political, social and economic equality between the genders, one might examine their claims with a sense of impartiality. However, the record of a feminized construct clearly demonstrates that equivalence is not their intention. Dominance of the masculine mind with codependent emotionalism out of a soap opera script surfaces as the real objective in the eternal war between the sexes. Imagine the inevitability of damage done to impressionable minds by an entire educational system intentionally designed to subjugate the natural instincts of a well-adjusted male student. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful For More Than You Know

Thanksgiving is the one holiday celebration that expresses our own personality. Legal holidays that commemorate national anniversaries and religious observances, have their origin in institutions, civic and religious design. While the ritual of 'Turkey Day' is rooted in the feast of the Pilgrims. Each of us view the intention of giving thanks from our unique perspective. Football may reign supreme on the tube, and cranberry may dress up the plate, but the real purpose of this day, represents our humble gratefulness for all that we have been blessed to receive.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Scalawag Culture Preserves Scoundrels

With the firing of Paul O’Neill, you get another clear signal that the Bush crowd is no different from all the rest of the political hacks. The real issue in not about one man, the performance of markets or prospects for poll ratings in the next election. No, it is about the struggle over economic policy. The enhanced interests of Wall Street usually comes at the expense of main street.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


The history of immigration demonstrates that most new arrivals seek to reside within communities of their own culture. In previous eras, the vast majority moved to America because they believed that this country held the promise of a better life for them and their children. Learning the English language and adopting the values and principles of democratic participation were central in becoming Americans. Today the rules have changed. The portal of unlimited legal entry into the US are tightly regulated. Correct thinking citizens will acknowledge that unrestricted admission will change the face of this country. Again, there is no 'Right' to entry America, it is a privilege.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Monday, November 24, 2014

Kierkegaard as a Political Man

How can anyone be considered apolitical when his earliest writing was a polemic against women's liberation? Could he be depicted as a nineteenth century misogynist or is his intuition well-founded for the ages? In  “Another Defense of Woman's Great Abilities”, using the pseudonym “A”, Kierkegaard “paints exaggerated pictures of transformations that, in his opinion, are likely to occur in the wake of female liberation. He resorts to ridicule […] and pokes fun at the woman presumptuous enough to cross the boundaries naturally allotted to her sex”.

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Friday, November 21, 2014

How to Correct the Course of America

For every person, answering the question how to correct the course for America, there is a personal viewpoint that often varies upon circumstance. However, the underlying premise is that something is wrong that needs fixing. The couch potatoes drift through life voluntarily removing their involvement from the political process as much as possible. All one needs to upset this tranquility is to strike up a conversation with a stranger and dare bring up any political or social issue and ask for their opinion. Most seldom reflect upon specifics and even fewer are able to lay out a sound and cogent thought for righting the ship of state. Moreover, to the horror of any intelligent citizen, a very significant segment of the public is content with the status quo and sees no reason to change anything.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obama Zombies are Alinsky Fanatics

The wackos that believe that Barack Hussein Obama is a political rock star are blind to reality. It would be one thing if eccentric characteristics shaped such opinions of social outcasts, but when entire segments of the MTV population speak in a PBS lisp, the liberal popular culture has drunk the kool aid. The zombie rage in flicks is no accident. Converting entire generations of lost souls into National Civilian Service Corps NSA informants is an effortless task, when government schooled illiterates adore Barry Soetoro. Turning a constitutional republic into a collectivist gulag is only possible, when the greater fool principle becomes the law of the land.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What Does it Mean To Be A Radical?

The meaning of language is often misunderstood, but the confusion that comes out of the pure ignorance for disregarding history, is boundless.  From Wikipedia: the term Radical (latin radix meaning root) has been used since the late 18th century as a label in political science for those favouring or trying to produce thoroughgoing or extreme political reforms which can include changes to the social order to a greater or lesser extent. Historical Radicalism was quite distinct from the modern American usage of radical to denote political extremes of right or left.  An insightful way to examine the meaning of being radical can be found in the tragic chronicle that destroyed the vaulted Republic.  The watershed event that caused the decisive destruction of the American experiment was the War of Northern Aggression.  In order to gain the significance of that era, a short account of the Republican party is most useful.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Investiture of Heretical Doctrine

Then why Mr. President, do you act as the sword of vengeance and unleash the instruments of destruction, while you eliminate that very freedom from the homeland that you claim to defend.  By now the praises for President Bush have reached a level seldom seen in our lifetime.  The disconnect from the terminal  penalty that follow his policies are ignored as the band plays on.  For Bush, FREEDOM is defined as deference for his clear ideal of what humanity must become.  The mission he has set for himself, and for the rest of us, cannot be challenged – he knows best and will save the rest of the planet from itself.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Monday, November 17, 2014

Groupthink in Service of Government

If the human race survives into the future, the history of the current age will be entitled – A Love Affair with Authority. As the 21st century unfolds, the existential struggle between group worship of government and an inherent autonomy revolt against a popular culture of state obedience seems to forecast doom for civilization. By any measurable standard of success, the prospects of rescuing a society based upon human dignity and natural law is vanishing in a technocratic system of coerced compliance and punitive punishment. The limits of individual behavior are severely restricted to the requirements of the State and the willful confines of self-induced conformity.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Friday, November 14, 2014

BETRAYAL: Bush’s immigration legacy

"True Believers" in the lunacy that has become American politics have lost all sense of reality. This dementia especially applies to supports of George W Bush. The most contemptible treachery in recent times comes from the utmost bait and switch scam that threatens the very survival of America. The Bush double-cross will invite Pancho Villa to pillage your community and grant him amnesty so he can count the loot. The Quisling President has proposed immigration-law changes to allow workers from Mexico to enter the United States if they have jobs waiting for them. Those magical job offers at a time when systemic unemployment is rampant, is like offering a bone to a rabid dog. The canine will eat it clean and then infect a horrible death upon the hand that feed him.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Only the most tortured sophist would argue that a flawed treaty will cause compliance within the Asian Tiger region. Imposing the strictest of restrictions upon the US and the EU, while granting a pass to the cheap labor countries, is like feeding beans to pigs in the hope that you will run your lights on the gas produced. The issue is that the transnational corporations will just set up shop where there is the least interference. World treaties are foolish attempts to alter flawed and greedy aspects of human nature. The idea of more coercion as a solution stems from the mind of the demented.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Group or the Individual

A central theme of politics is the tension between the primacy of the individual or the group. How this conflict is resolved, bears directly upon the kind of policies that are implemented and accepted in most societies. Martin Buber was a deeply religious man and equates religion with interhuman relations and the performance of loving deeds. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Duty of the Military in a Militarized Empire

Those who serve in the military are in a difficult position. The oath taken by enlistees states, "I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." The internal conflict between supporting and defending the Constitution and obeying orders is at the heart of the dilemma of honor and duty. Those who accept that the Presidential chain of command is by nature constitutional; lack a proper understanding of history and professes an even greater ignorance of current affairs.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Monday, November 10, 2014

Media Once Bitten, Forever Scorn

Hurrah, the worm has turned! Or has it? The corporatist controlled mass media love affair with the puppet spinmeister seems to be on the rocks. For progressive propagandists, the profession of journalism has long sunk into the sewer. Withal, the elitist snobbery of the self-appointed gatekeepers for the globalist power structure got a slap in the face and a wakeup call, from Associated Press spy-gate. The reporter darlings for the Obama “Chicago Outfit” protection racket just got a taste of unexpected payback appreciation. Slow on the uptake, Obama Lapdog Andrea Mitchell on IRS Scandal: “One of the most outrageous excesses I’ve seen in all my years in journalism” “Wait until this fossil finds out about AP records being seized.”

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Friday, November 7, 2014

Outsourcing, Nation Building and Open Borders

Outsourcing has been part of the globalist scheme for decades.  Sold under the misnomer of Free Trade the real intent is to drain a domestic self-sustaining economy from internal independence.  The stark reality of exporting living wage jobs and laying waste to crucial industrialized segments of an effective economy benefits only the transnational corporatoracy.  The lust for cheap labor drives every possible job overseas.  Real wage purchasing power sinks with each decade.  Replacement employment in new-fangled ventures and fields seldom provide a compatible level of inflationary adjusted remuneration.  

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Amnesty Capitulation Assures a Failed Society

After decades of documenting the mad consequences of an "Open Borders" policy, voices of rational and sane immigration, ready themselves for definitive betrayal from their phony conservative brethren. Mark Krikorian, Roy Beck, Peter Brimelow and Pat Buchanan have waged the crusade to save the nation from the forces of greedy corporatists and demented egalitarianism. Proponents of limitless immigration are committed to the unilateral destruction of what once made America, "A City upon a Hill". 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

John McCain: The Man Who Would Be President

"Prescience is a funny thing.  But when Todd Brendan Fahey created in very early 2000, to counteract "conservatives" notions that Arizona Senator John McCain was still a "Goldwater Republican," he lit the hot torch.  Scoffed at, ridiculed, reviled by "mainstream GOP"-types, he was booted off for insisting on spreading the anti-McCain message.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Two Elections - Different Results - Same Outcome

Elections in Spain and Russia - one a surprise, the other a forgone conclusion. The Spanish are ready to yell Yankee go home and Russians give the Kremlin the green light to expand their dominion. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, no household name, benefits from the Madrid bombings. Vladimir Putin, a known commodity, counts the returns with the backdrop burning of the Manege building. The Iberian peninsula turns toward socialism while Chechnya readies for a return to steps that are reminiscent of the past.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, November 3, 2014


So what do Democrats have in common? Let's look at their shared ideology first. 
1) An inordinate belief that government provides solutions for social ills.
2) All citizens have equal rights to social services provided by their government.
3) Government expansion and control is necessary to improve society.
4) Taxes must be progressive and punitive to prevent the rich from getting richer.
5) International intervention in world affairs is necessary to bring peace to the world.
6) Protection of the environment is more important than preserving jobs and life style.
7) Integration and affirmative action are necessary to bring equality to the races.
8) Citizens must be compelled to support public policies under the full weight of the law.
9) Business exists to fund government programs and their regulation is justified.
10) And the ultimate precept that sums up other beliefs: ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL. 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives