How pompous those people are, who do they think they are, and why are they supporting a thug? Arrogance from a friend is very disappointing, they act like the Bonaparte family is running the country! Just who is this imperial dictator that’s sending that "Grand Army" to the far corners of the empire? Who wants that "Continental" economic system that places sanctions on countries that oppose us! Just what kind of a world is it - run by an emperor - what a betrayal to the "Revolution". One would think this guy is a madman, a pyramid worshipper, wants to rule the world and ram his law down all our throats! Have all those peasants lost sight of why they got rid of the King? Now they willingly let this fellow place a crown on his own head while the mob cheers! What’s next, a swift crash of monarchical punishment coming straight down on your head? It’s hard to believe what is taking place. Just what will happen to all our foreign colonies? Can you believe it, some are even talking about breaking away! The way this is going, we might see domestic terror reign again, this time from the hands of a fraternal despot . . .
Read the entire article
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Why be afraid of a trade war?
Before you dismiss such a question, you better read Tariffs For Survival Or Profits For Multinationals. The arguments used are even more valid after a year and a half. President George W Bush has proven he is a bigger whimp than his father. The reversal on his effective relief for the steel industry is a decision made by a man who capitulates to the real terrorists. Just savor the joy coming from the other side of the pond. "We in Europe, by standing together, by using the World Trade Organization and saying 'we're going to uphold the rules of world trade,' we've played our hand very, very effectively indeed." -- British Trade Secretary Patricia Hewitt, on SKY TV News. "These sanctions ... were there as a tool for compliance. They've complied and the sanctions will disappear." -- European Union Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Media Once Bitten, Forever Scorn
Hurrah, the worm has turned! Or has it? The corporatist controlled mass media love affair with the puppet spinmeister seems to be on the rocks. For progressive propagandists, the profession of journalism has long sunk into the sewer. Withal, the elitist snobbery of the self-appointed gatekeepers for the globalist power structure got a slap in the face and a wakeup call, from Associated Press spy-gate. The reporter darlings for the Obama “Chicago Outfit” protection racket just got a taste of unexpected payback appreciation. Slow on the uptake, Obama Lapdog Andrea Mitchell on IRS Scandal: “One of the most outrageous excesses I’ve seen in all my years in journalism” “Wait until this fossil finds out about AP records being seized.”
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Political Partisan Psychological Disorders
Before one can understand the nature of partisan or party politics, a correct comprehension of The Choice of Ideology is essential.
"Contemporary Political Ideologies is a text book that has been around for a long time. Many of the usual suspects are covered: Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, Conservatism, Liberalism, Nationalism, Marxism, Fascism, Anarchism, Libertarianism, Feminism and Environmentalism. Since written, additional offshoots have come to include: Neoconservatism, the Paleo versions of Conservatism and Libertarianism and what we will call "Inherit Populism".
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
"Contemporary Political Ideologies is a text book that has been around for a long time. Many of the usual suspects are covered: Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, Conservatism, Liberalism, Nationalism, Marxism, Fascism, Anarchism, Libertarianism, Feminism and Environmentalism. Since written, additional offshoots have come to include: Neoconservatism, the Paleo versions of Conservatism and Libertarianism and what we will call "Inherit Populism".
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Monday, September 26, 2016
Democrats Delusional Worldview
Democratic politics is a false premise experiment. The foundation of the modern liberalism, based upon an erroneous worldview, is a dead end ideology. Compared to the mad NeoCon war-mongering alternative, the fatal attraction of progressives, allures weak minded and desperate people into thinking government can provide solutions. Step back from the false left-right political discussions and focus upon the principles that make up sound and balanced standards for a civil society.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Friday, September 23, 2016
Pipe Dream of Economic Globalism
One of the most perceptive financial thinkers and real world practitioners of economic policy is Paul Craig Roberts. In one of his most observant essays he stated: “For globalism to work, there needs to a single currency and a single tax system -- a one world political system. Trade between countries is not like trade within a country. Trade between countries involves different currencies whose values change if there are persistent trade deficits or surpluses. A country that runs up a large trade imbalance due to its importation of cheap manufactured goods suddenly finds the goods are no longer cheap when the value of its currency declines. The companies that outsourced to benefit from cheap labor suddenly find their profits impacted when the currency in their home market devalues.”
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Dissecting U.S. Elections - the People vs. the Pols
The establishment has an entrenched interest in convincing the public that their vote in elections actually decides who is selected for public office. That same power elite runs and controls both Republican and Democratic political parties. Only a neophyte or a delusional idealist believes that the voting cycle reflects the will of the people. When reform candidates engage in the primary process, hoping to win the nomination from either of the two major parties, they face the stark reality that playing ball with the money bundlers means obeying the directives of masters of the universe. These overlords own politicians, especially those who continue in office by winning predetermined elections.
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Two Elections - Different Results - Same Outcome
Elections in Spain and Russia - one a surprise, the other a forgone conclusion. The Spanish are ready to yell Yankee go home and Russians give the Kremlin the green light to expand their dominion. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, no household name, benefits from the Madrid bombings. Vladimir Putin, a known commodity, counts the returns with the backdrop burning of the Manege building. The Iberian peninsula turns toward socialism while Chechnya readies for a return to steps that are reminiscent of the past.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
All out Warfare on Political Correctness
The bastion of Totalitarian Collectivism is based upon a culture of political correctness. Before authoritarians impose their rigid formulas for shaping and defining a false reality, the ground needs to be prepared for molding public opinion. The details and narrative of mind control works best when people have already adopted an urbanity of collective singularity. The nature of “TC” is the next level beyond political correctness.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Monday, September 19, 2016
Pride in America the Stupid
Anyone who has ever injected politics into a discussion knows that it guarantees controversial discourse. People agree on very little, these days. It was not always that way. Once upon a time, there was a basic consensus on fundamental core worldviews. God was revered, natural law was accepted and tyranny was despised. Now, we live in perpetual chaos after burying the Almighty, discarding traditional values and tolerating permanent despotism. What remains is politics conducted as a fantasy sport game. Avoidance of reality is the source of national pride.
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Friday, September 16, 2016
New Heights of No Confidence in Government
The legislature is at a record disapproval as Gallup announced that Congress had reached a new low, winning the approval of just 9% of the American public. In addition, President Obama is in the same boat. A Christian Science Monitor reports that Obama disapproval rating hits new high in two polls. "An NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey found that 54 percent of respondents did not approve of the job President Obama is doing, and Quinnipiac found 57 percent disapproval." Both branches of federal government register public discontent.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Thursday, September 15, 2016
"Neoliberal" Globalisation
How different the world looks depending where you live and the culture that shapes your thinking. Attitudes from the Third World are not the most popular topic or dynamic input for global policy makers. Nevertheless, there is a growing reproach in the value of the doctrine of globalism, coming out of the subcontinent. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that the hottest transfer of service related jobs is taking place. Transferring functions to India is supposed to be good business - enhancing total return - for the competitively minded corporations.
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Cells, Science and Morality
As expected, the Bush announcement on Federal Funding of embryonic stem cells, hasn't pleased everyone. But consensus is seldom the basis for making decisions, and certainly not a moral one. President Bush made the wrong choice, but his sincere and impassioned appeal for a return to moral conduct and ethical behavior is rare for presidential speeches.
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
A Rare Insight into How World Opinion is Shaped
Most people consider their views their own. But every now or then, circumstances arise to uncover that the public is presented with a viewpoint that seems to be universally accepted. Surely, it must be correct - the whole world is speaking with the same voice! But do the facts reflect the message?
If Americans wish to truly understand world opinion, they need to delve into the realm of the foreign press. Images move emotions, while the written word shapes the prejudices. Current events are written about for one primary reason, to define the meaning of the event. Only the highly motivated and the most inquiring minds will investigate the facts for themselves. The majority will read the headlines, the leads and that is usually enough for them. The legendary "Fleet Street" is still the master of the composed attack.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
If Americans wish to truly understand world opinion, they need to delve into the realm of the foreign press. Images move emotions, while the written word shapes the prejudices. Current events are written about for one primary reason, to define the meaning of the event. Only the highly motivated and the most inquiring minds will investigate the facts for themselves. The majority will read the headlines, the leads and that is usually enough for them. The legendary "Fleet Street" is still the master of the composed attack.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Monday, September 12, 2016
NWO Enforcer: NATO Threatens WW III
The New World Order has been in place for centuries. Is it not time to start calling the NWO by another name? A descriptive term that encapsulates the essence of the beast would be a Nefarious Warrior Organism. Such a phrase strips away the ridiculous notion that there is any order in the malevolent organization of the parasitic global structure, based upon perpetual and permanent warfare. This depiction more closely resembles reality, even if the master mass media refuses to acknowledge How the World Really Works. Discard any condemnation that criticism of the established order rests upon conspiratorial fantasy or pre-medieval prejudices. Explaining away or ignoring basic human nature in a "PC" culture ultimately requires the adoption of a depraved Totalitarian Collectivism system.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Friday, September 9, 2016
Technology Impact on Privacy
Going offline or off the grid is not easy for everyone. Modern society has come to repudiate the very elements that make civilization possible. Living in cyber space is existence on life support at best. Until now, people had idiosyncratic relations, with intimate experiences and personal memories. Thoughts were internal and private conduct was confidential. Under a hi-tech environment, the system moves closer to an all knowing eye. But what happens, when the public becomes enlightened to the bondage of the tech prison, thanks to all the whistleblowers?
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Public Health and Safety placed at risk by UPC Cohocton Wind Farm
The more you know the greater your outrage! Government has an intrinsic duty to protect the public health and safety of citizens. Local jurisdictions, especially on the town and county levels are supposed to have the closest empathy for their neighbors and residents. The theory that planning committees and town boards administer according to their solemn responsibility is not a given. Blatant and conscious disregard to fulfill their public oath is no further away then the caviler and heavy hand on the Town of Cohocton as it pushes a man made disaster.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
The Cowardly Congress and the Tyrannical President
One way to look at the artificial conflict over the debt ceiling theater is in terms of Gypsy Rose Lee doing the striptease fan dance. The beltway burlesque script is designed never to solve real problems. Give the public a glimmer of desire by way of a glimpse of fantasy. The dream of financial sanity and government responsibility is as remote as integrity from the political class. At the core of the two-step is a fundamental dishonesty about changing much less reforming the way business is conducted in the age of totalitarian collectivism. Now, this is entertainment if the dire consequences were not so profound.
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Sometimes Friends Know Best
How pompous those people are, who do they think they are, and why are they supporting a thug? Arrogance from a friend is very disappointing, they act like the Bonaparte family is running the country! Just who is this imperial dictator that’s sending that "Grand Army" to the far corners of the empire? Who wants that "Continental" economic system that places sanctions on countries that oppose us! Just what kind of a world is it - run by an emperor - what a betrayal to the "Revolution". One would think this guy is a madman, a pyramid worshipper, wants to rule the world and ram his law down all our throats! Have all those peasants lost sight of why they got rid of the King? Now they willingly let this fellow place a crown on his own head while the mob cheers! What’s next, a swift crash of monarchical punishment coming straight down on your head? It’s hard to believe what is taking place. Just what will happen to all our foreign colonies? Can you believe it, some are even talking about breaking away! The way this is going, we might see domestic terror reign again, this time from the hands of a fraternal despot . . .
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Monday, September 5, 2016
Walking a tightrope at full speed
Think you are walking on a treadmill that is accelerating in speed? Well, before long, you will need to master the skill of running on a tightrope, as the margins narrow and the cord tightens. Falling off the high wire, means plunging a long way onto a hard surface. If you survive the drop, it would be a miracle. At best, you might expect to be a cripple. Those prospects seem all too real for many Americans. Today, the economic future resembles the example of an emerging third world country, more than the dominate cradle of wealth creation. Primitive developing societies seems to be gaining energy, while our mature economy is losing steam. Is this a coincidence or are results just conforming to a well thought out plan?
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Friday, September 2, 2016
Globalist Gangster's Nevada Land Grab
The Agenda 21 model is evident for the entire world to see as the ChiComs and their treasonous political class partners, collude to drive off Cliven Bundy and his family, who have been ranching in the area since the 1800s. Forget about the dodge about the endangered tortoise, those trumpeted up $1.1 million in unpaid grazing fees, or even water rights. Federal Court property rights decisions and the court order in the Bundy case, only muddy the water about what is really going on. Fundamental civil liberty protections against a tyrannical bureaucratic government gone amuck may seem to be the main story to many, but when you delve into the monumental financial motives behind this land grab, the worse is yet to come.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Amnesty Capitulation Assures a Failed Society
After decades of documenting the mad consequences of an "Open Borders" policy, voices of rational and sane immigration, ready themselves for definitive betrayal from their phony conservative brethren. Mark Krikorian, Roy Beck, Peter Brimelow and Pat Buchanan have waged the crusade to save the nation from the forces of greedy corporatists and demented egalitarianism. Proponents of limitless immigration are committed to the unilateral destruction of what once made America, "A City upon a Hill".
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
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