Democratic politics is a false premise experiment. The foundation of the modern liberalism, based upon an erroneous worldview, is a dead end ideology. Compared to the mad NeoCon war-mongering alternative, the fatal attraction of progressives, allures weak minded and desperate people into thinking government can provide solutions. Step back from the false left-right political discussions and focus upon the principles that make up sound and balanced standards for a civil society.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Pipe Dream of Economic Globalism
One of the most perceptive financial thinkers and real world practitioners of economic policy is Paul Craig Roberts. In one of his most observant essays he stated: “For globalism to work, there needs to a single currency and a single tax system -- a one world political system. Trade between countries is not like trade within a country. Trade between countries involves different currencies whose values change if there are persistent trade deficits or surpluses. A country that runs up a large trade imbalance due to its importation of cheap manufactured goods suddenly finds the goods are no longer cheap when the value of its currency declines. The companies that outsourced to benefit from cheap labor suddenly find their profits impacted when the currency in their home market devalues.”
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Monday, August 29, 2016
GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS The Future for America Or Lilies for the Deceased
This week hordes of teachers will descend upon Western New York for the New York State United Teachers annual convention. Rochester, the 'Flower City' will be their rendezvous and they will celebrate the coming of spring with bouquets in hand. Their cheers will be for their favorite champions of government schools, both Bill And Hill. Both will attend, with the model for public decency receiving the Albert Shanker Award for Distinguished Service. The Klinton's along with their confederates in public education will bring flowers for the gathering. The occasion befits Lilies, since the gathering confers the air of a wake, not the triumph of learning.
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Friday, August 26, 2016
The Art of Political Conversation
Anyone who has the courage to engage in discussions on the current condition of world affairs, knows all too well the feeling of talking with yourself. Dialogue once meant debating ideas. Today "Political Correctness" demands answering only the questions you agree with and ignoring all those that may differ with your viewpoint. This gentile characteristic of avoidance in the unpleasant, has become the mainstay of the mainstream.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Drone Wrath for a Compliant Society
The military has transformed warfare into a deadly computer game with drone weapons. Media programs like Weaponology or Future Weapons on the Military Channel provide detailed examples of the lethalness of autonomous technology. The use of drones as the preferred method of carnage is well established. Seldom do moral questions come into the discussions of eliminating enemies of the state. The rules of engagement vested in international law and the Geneva Convention, either ignored or rewritten for high-tech 21st Century combat, becomes the foundational tactic to maintain the killing force of the grand empire.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Why Supreme Court Selections are a False Choice
The commotion over the nominations of John Roberts and Harriet Miers avoid the central problem with the Supreme Court. Judicial review in its pure raw form is a guaranteed formula for state sponsored terrorism. Under the fig leaf of law, the court manufactures excuses for the state to use force and intimidation to compel, coerce and control society for the benefit of the central government. Is there any question that Supreme Court jurists are government employees? Of course not, so why is it automatically assumed that black robed magistrates serve the cause of justice when their rulings practice the art of the magician. Perfecting tricks of deception and canonizing their illusion as settled law is like announcing to the public that your life and liberty are arbitrary and contingent upon the “good will” of the sacred master of power.
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Will You Surrender Your Firearms?
Are you a person, who repeats the Pledge of Allegiance at a local town board meeting or sings the National Anthem at a sporting event? Well, such people are likely candidates to turn over their firearms, when the collection van stops at your door to remove hazardous guns that endanger you, your family and neighbors. Surely, you file income taxes and pay your financial obligations to the government, what would prevent you from surrendering your personal lethal weapons, for the betterment of the state and the best interests of your community? Let’s get real! Any country that demands the capitulation of the right for self-protection does not deserve a citizen’s loyalty or obedience.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Monday, August 22, 2016
No where to go and no where to hide
The European Satellite Navigation System GALILEO, will be the next generation GPS - Global Position System - and a separate tracking technology that will usher in total planetary surveillance. This program is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA). As stressed in the European Commission White Paper on European transport policy for 2010, the European Union needs an independent satellite navigation system. Galileo is Europe's contribution to a global navigation satellite infrastructure (GNSS).
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Friday, August 19, 2016
Special Privileges For Feds
If you believe that Martha Stewart is an enemy of the state, you are right. However, is she a desperado that deserves the fate of corporate plungers? Well, the art of stealing from public companies is often rewarded for the skilled crook; but if you are caught in a lie, you are the worst of the worse. The focal point in this soap opera is missed by the media. Back in June of 2002, in Steward of the Public Trust, we asked: "Should Ms. Stewart be tarred and feathered for using etiquette banned by the SEC? Or are we supposed to swing Martha's stockbroker, Peter Bacanovic, from the highest tree for getting her out of a down market?"
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Open Appeal to Conservatives
A deep confusion has overtaken our land. A lack of understanding of our own history and its meaning is epidemic. A conveyance of personal identity has been transposed into a frenzy for Statism. And a dependence in allegiance to unquestioned leadership has replaced common sense. No wonder that those who view themselves as conservatives, are bewildered.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Fatalistic Reality and Election Futility
Thank God, another election cycle is over. Some celebrate that elections demonstrate that the country prides itself on a peaceful transition of power. Others rejoice that elections reflect the will of the people. And you hear the familiar pronouncement, that democracy brings legitimacy to the rule of government. If all this was true, why is the nation always in trouble? After every election, the system continues to grind citizens into the ground. The privileged few continue to accrue their vast sums of booty, as the debt soars to heights that only a super computer can calculate.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
No Despotism - Only Independence
Despotism is the real obscenity. “You know it when you see it . . . “ According to the U.S. Supreme Court Obscenity Definition:
1) A thing must be prurient in nature.
2) A thing must be completely devoid of scientific, political, educational, or social value.
3) A thing must violate the local community standards If it meets all three of these things, it is obscenity.
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1) A thing must be prurient in nature.
2) A thing must be completely devoid of scientific, political, educational, or social value.
3) A thing must violate the local community standards If it meets all three of these things, it is obscenity.
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Monday, August 15, 2016
Renaissance Revolution
As the secular culture dominates society and accelerates its decay into a primordial debauchery, the high priests of the age preach that progress is their supreme sacrament. Nothing else is sacred for the relativists. Only the social doctrine that dehumanizes the individual and elevates the “politically correct” cultural Jacobins is allowed to survive. Stamping out the last remnants of traditional Western Civilization is all that matters to this humanism house of worship.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Friday, August 12, 2016
The Extinction of the Middle Class
For those who retain the capacity of understanding the past, fond memories of a society that once had a vibrant middle class, conveys pride and nostalgia. Today, the harsh reality is that the United States has been transformed into an unyielding authoritarian command and control gulag. A mere gap between the ruled and the rulers has turned into a gulf of nationwide width. The internment camp that relocates undesirables has been built large enough to process your friends and family. Most simply ignore or deny their plight. They are bent on living an illusion because they are enjoying the ‘good life’. It’s only the malcontent that risks the wrath of the central planners. For the vast majority - the system - still has relevance.
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Taxes, Death and Certainty
Each season when spring approaches, attention turns to the ritual of filling out tax forms. All year long paying taxes is an integral part of the daily regiment. But when it comes time to sign your permission slip for legalized thievery, your submission to indentured servitude goes public. By becoming just another number in the long line of digital compliance under the penalty of perjury, the average citizen is performing his or her financial obligation to the State. At least that is what you are told is your duty.
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
America First is Populism in action
Most people associate the term America First with foreign policy. While the implication speaks loudly for a pro national stand, most ignore the tradition that Populism is at the core of the movement. In order to understand the heritage, one should examine the most overt aspects of this tradition. Professor Ralph Raico, states the case for an American First foreign policy in his book - The Failure of America’s Foreign Wars. He refers to the following motto used by Richard Cobden, the libertarian theorist of international relations:
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Globalist Gangster's Nevada Land Grab
The Agenda 21 model is evident for the entire world to see as the ChiComs and their treasonous political class partners, collude to drive off Cliven Bundy and his family, who have been ranching in the area since the 1800s. Forget about the dodge about the endangered tortoise, those trumpeted up $1.1 million in unpaid grazing fees, or even water rights. Federal Court property rights decisions and the court order in the Bundy case, only muddy the water about what is really going on. Fundamental civil liberty protections against a tyrannical bureaucratic government gone amuck may seem to be the main story to many, but when you delve into the monumental financial motives behind this land grab, the worse is yet to come.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Monday, August 8, 2016
NYS Public Service Commission in the Pocket of Corporatists
The corporatist culture of lobbyist Jack Abramoff is alive not only on K Street, but in the offices of the New York State Public Service Commission. The long awaited report on the rules for electric generation siting demonstrates that the industrial wind lobby is on speed dial to the agency tasked to regulate their power facilities. In the new gilded age of robber barons, the "public servants" at the PSC earn their stripes as capitalist tool lackeys. Damn the public interest, the expedited approval of projects is guaranteed. Money influence trumps sound science, property rights, municipal home rule and health & safety.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Friday, August 5, 2016
"Girlie Man" Culture of Government Schools
The notion that gender egalitarianism is central to the education process has caused dire consequences to Western Civilization. If proponents really sought political, social and economic equality between the genders, one might examine their claims with a sense of impartiality. However, the record of a feminized construct clearly demonstrates that equivalence is not their intention. Dominance of the masculine mind with codependent emotionalism out of a soap opera script surfaces as the real objective in the eternal war between the sexes. Imagine the inevitability of damage done to impressionable minds by an entire educational system intentionally designed to subjugate the natural instincts of a well-adjusted male student.
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Thursday, August 4, 2016
"Neoliberal" Globalisation
How different the world looks depending where you live and the culture that shapes your thinking. Attitudes from the Third World are not the most popular topic or dynamic input for global policy makers. Nevertheless, there is a growing reproach in the value of the doctrine of globalism, coming out of the subcontinent. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that the hottest transfer of service related jobs is taking place. Transferring functions to India is supposed to be good business - enhancing total return - for the competitively minded corporations.
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Nobel Peace Prize for AWOL War President
William Jefferson Clinton was called the first black president. Now it can be said that Barry Soetoro is the first female president. What justifies such a label? Clearly, Barack Hussein Obama has no cojones. The Ipanema vacationer practices his African samba carnival dance while carnage rains from tomahawk missiles. Humanitarian altruism acts as cover for a remote controlled marionette doing the bidding in the Soros world of his sorcerer mentors. This commander in chief runs from his own shadow.
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Two Elections - Different Results - Same Outcome
Elections in Spain and Russia - one a surprise, the other a forgone conclusion. The Spanish are ready to yell Yankee go home and Russians give the Kremlin the green light to expand their dominion. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, no household name, benefits from the Madrid bombings. Vladimir Putin, a known commodity, counts the returns with the backdrop burning of the Manege building. The Iberian peninsula turns toward socialism while Chechnya readies for a return to steps that are reminiscent of the past.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Monday, August 1, 2016
Government Siege and National Rape
All Americans share the shame of the charade that pretends to be the Federal Government. The governance class operates in a manner that thinks the voice of the people is irrelevant. The current shutdown of public services is a selected con game run by "Federalies" thugs. This latest extortion racket intends to break the spirit of reform and sensible opposition. The crony capitalist takeover of the health care system only benefits the corporatists. The insurance companies stand to reap tribute from the masses, while the special interest friends of the Obama syndicate get exemptions. Make no mistake, the den of thieves that defend Obamacare, as the "law of the land" is a herd of habitual liars.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
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