Thursday, June 30, 2016

Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets

The American Revolution, in no small part, was a repudiation of the central banking tyranny exported to the New World by the Bank of England. Few legacies have grown more despotic than the consequences of living under the rule of fractional reserve banking. Many good willed conservatives understand that the system is imploding. Some envision a second American Revolution that expels the remnant Tories that have hijacked our Federalism separation of powers form of government. Woefully, the prospects for a States Rights revolt are slim. However, the scenario of a domestic French Revolution style carnage is brewing with every escalation of the pompous arrogance worthy of a Jean-Joseph, marquis de Laborde or the manipulative usury of the House of Rothschild.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Ugly Face of the North American Union

For the last several years, the press on the disastrous North American Union has been off front-page news. Nonetheless, the plans to remove barriers and open up borders keeps chucking along. Those who belief this course is desirable or those who conclude that it is unpreventable because the climate of globalization is overpowering, are subversive collaborators of the NWO or gutless wimps that deserve to be run over by the hordes of barbarians that flood our country.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

America, Welcome to the Fourth Reich

American Fascism did not start with World War II. Before Operation Paperclip, the codename under which the US intelligence and military services extricated scientists from Germany, during and after the final stages of the conflict, the annals of internal despotism were well established. With the open door policy for German engineering, the political ideology of state worship was bound to travel across the Atlantic.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Monday, June 27, 2016

EU Bonds Rollover Debt with a Chinese Bailout

The financial press is inundated with the most ominous reports of an EU meltdown. The downturn in economic activity and little growth all comes down to the unsustainability in servicing the debt obligations. Sovereign countries bailouts only pile on even more debt. European banks are tied to a Euro dominated currency, while the political union is anything but unified. Any serious student of European history inescapably concludes that the perennial ambition to orchestrate a single patchwork of diverse cultures and interests into a pan European brotherhood is always doomed. A consensus fraternity based upon socialistic economics feeds the inevitable default. However, never fear the banksters will not suffer, as the globalists prepare to use their next crisis, to consolidate their grip of world dominance.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Friday, June 24, 2016

Was Dr Kelly - Vince Fostered?

This time all those conspiracy nuts started their swim from the other side of the pond. We all know that the English are surely above intrigue and sinister deeds, just ask Roberto Calvi, you know “God’s Banker”, as he hung from Blackfriars Bridge. All those suspect and secret financial dealings with the Vatican had the Holy See distance themselves from the ‘suicide’ back in 1987.  That collapse of Banco Ambrosiano and subsequent fraudulent-bankruptcy surely couldn’t involve American Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, then president of the Institute for Religious Works (IOR), the official name of the Vatican bank. Amazing that the official story of Calvi’s death was finally rejected as the real cause of his fate.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Campaign Reform

At the outset, let us all be realistic and admit that very few politicians seek serious Campaign Finance Reform. The incumbents have such a distinct advantage to an unknown challenger that those in power have every incentive to maintain the current system. So what is all this commotion about a 'so called' reform? Well, as most efforts for renovation, the design of the fundamental foundation is ignored and the facade is only altered. 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The 21st Century Decade Retrospective

Two earth-shattering catastrophes shaped the last ten years. The first 911, the staged terror event that provided the self-justification to wage an endless war against phantom enemies and the second a financial meltdown of the debt ridden international banking system. This has been a frightful decade for America.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tariffs For Survival Or Profits For Multinationals

The deadline approaches for President Bush to accept or reject the recommendations from the International Trade Commission on protective Tariffs for the U.S. steel industry.The dire condition of a crucial domestic industry is beyond dispute. The core question - "We need to go to the root cause of the problem," the official said, pointing to the need to get foreign governments out of the business.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, June 20, 2016

Leader Worship Don't Vote - Revolt!

Canon Fodder presents a simple quiz: Politics, Patriotism and Protest!  Take the test and gauge your loyalty.  

1.   It is never right to kill another person.
2.   Political leaders usually act in the best interest of their countries.
3.   If a political leader has done something wrong, it is all right to get rid of him or her by whatever means necessary.
4.   "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
5.   In certain situations it may be justified for a political leader to bend or break the law for the good of the country.
6.   People should never compromise their ideals or beliefs.
7.   "My country right or wrong" is not just a slogan; it is every citizen's patriotic duty.
8.   No cause, political or otherwise, is worth dying for.
9.   "Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant taste of death but once."
10. "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is [often buried] with their bones.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, June 17, 2016

Playing the Lyre of Budget Madness as the Empire Burns

By Washington DC standards the just concluded budget agreement for funding the federal government through September, is a big win for Republicans. Emily Miller in Human Events describes, "The final agreement will be for $38.5 billion in cuts from current spending over the remaining six months of the current fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30. The spending cuts, although historic in size, account for only 2.5% of this year's projected budget deficit of $1.6 trillion." Here lies the obscenity of the central government; namely, that a mere drop in the bucket reduction in a historic deficit is lauded as the great achievement of compromised negotiations.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Rule of Gold after the Financial Collapse

In a secular world, the operative "Golden Rule" is "He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules". The condition of the global financial banking system is untenable. The aggregate amount of debt worldwide is anyone’s guess. The introduction of derivatives and counter claims pushes the chain of obligations into the unknown. All that is left is for central banks to create mountains of uninterrupted counterfeit money to roll over and delay the inevitable. The IMF chart of World Currency Reserve is a skyrocket line to oblivion. It does not reflect a healthy stockpile of treasure, but certainly manifests a new debt machine running to infinity. The Bullion Vault explains this reality in the following manner.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hate Laws Intended to Silence Truth

In a relativism culture of social permissiveness, the non-judgmental attitude, held out as the suitable standard for conduct, has become the politically correct behavior. One might think that anything goes under this mindset. However, the exact opposite practice and enforcement, under the most rigid conditions, is championed as necessary for enlighten and tolerant liberalists. The proliferation of demands that hate speech is the new capital crime, actually is counter iterative in building a civil society. This orthodoxy of the fanatical, proudly presents this illuminated and required deportment, as obligatory for all citizens.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Road to Serfdom, Yesterday and Today

The path to a Global Gulag is paved with failed promises and stern submission. The functions of governments change little over time. Only the intensity of applying current techniques of crowd control evolves for making the task easier to corral the rowdy into prisons of their minds. Force works because people allow themselves to be intimidated and government stooges are willing to rejoice in the celebration of human misery. The police state stems from an entitlement of State tyranny, which justifies its existence based upon an absolutism of authority.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Monday, June 13, 2016

Newt Gingrich the Skunk Vomit NeoCon

Don Imus yells the slur "Skunk Vomit" as a description for Newt Gingrich. Coming from the erratic "Old Cowboy" and shock jock legend that lives on outrage and offense is nothing new to his listeners. This successor to the Andy Rooney curmudgeon institution is hardly a clarion voice of time-honored conservatives. So too, with a little investigation into Newt Gingrich you will see that the former Speaker is no true conservative. His rhetoric at times can seem appealing, but strip away the high tone platitudes and you are left with the assertions of an opportunist and a New World Order proponent.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Friday, June 10, 2016

How the media covers Bilderberg meetings

The mainstream media blackout of the annual Bilderberg meeting is finally crumbling. Yet the prevarication machine continues to reinforce the delusional official line from on high. For decades, the sinister world cabal operated in the shadows of secrecy and disinformation. The timely analogy is the initial way the disgraced Anthony Weiner responded to his self-inflicted indiscretion. Ignore any rogue inquiry about the nature of their agenda or plots on forthcoming plans. High-handedness is the hallmark of their demeanor, just as arrogance is the basic character component of this pit-bull Congressional egomaniac.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Thursday, June 9, 2016


When government policy is based upon projections of future income from tax revenue, the consequences of reality will always disrupt the best of plans. With the downturn of the economy over that last several months, and the tragic events of 911, we have entered into a new dimension of fiscal retraction. Should anyone be surprised that promises of 'milk and honey' from politicians always come up short? The disease of excess expectations is non partisan. It consumes all parties and in most cases, afflicts every ideology. The reason is simple! Politicians need to appeal to the public for support.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Is the Economy Viable?

In this global mess known as the interdependent world economy, one thing is certain – fantasy trumps substance.  How else to explain what goes on daily in the financial markets, in the corporate board rooms or on the streets where you live.  Prosperity is an illusion.  Wealth is not the same as an efficient model of affluence creation.  Practical economic commerce by definition requires sensible business transactions, meaningful production endeavors and consistent stability in financial marketplace exchanges.  There is never a guarantee of success or profit.  Notwithstanding, to establish an engine of economic generation, the core principles of trade must be employed.  Savvy observers of the marketplace recognize that the fundamentals of business are virtually absent in the transactions that pass for international trade.  Even worse, domestic commercial activity suffers from an occupational hazard that pays no compensation.  That peril is the lack of viability.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Drunk Never Knows When To Leave The Bar

The ABA is one of the most patrician interest groups to wheel power and influence. The nature of the this pressure group, is to bake their own cake and dish is out to their own. Like an inbred family where only first cousins marry each other, this group of charlatans scheme day and night to write, shape, mold and lobby the bills that will be placed into law. No wonder that their sense of privilege dictates that they are the enlighten class to pass judgment on who is acceptable to serve on the bench. Well, this band of merry men and women have suffered an insult that few would dare to offend such an esteem council.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, June 6, 2016

Economic Insanity and Political Reality

Globalism is the embodiment of economic insanity.  There is nothing new in this scheme to supplant reality with Elysium.  Dating back before the common era the manipulations were entrenched.  From The Greatness and Decline of Rome, Guglielmo Ferrero, Vol. II, pg. 57:

“. . . But meanwhile, before the empire of Rome became coextensive with Alexander's, the most immediate and decisive effect of the universal enthusiasm was to impel men to incur the most impossible obligations. Nearly every one was at once both creditor and debtor; men lent one another any little money they possessed, and borrowed again whenever they were in difficulties. Italian society had become an inextricable labyrinth of debit and credit, through the system of Syngraphae or letters of credit, which were negotiated in the same way as securities and bills of exchange today, because the scarcity of capital and the frequent oscillations in prices would have made it ruinous for them to be redeemed too frequently. Those who were in need of money attempted to sell to some financier the claims they had on other persons, and the financier would give cash payment, of course with a proportionate discount according to the prospects of the debt, the needs of the creditor and the condition of the money market. . . “

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, June 3, 2016

Terrorism, Immigration and Mass Manipulation

The threat of terrorism and the theatrics of bloodshed are powerful tools in the psychological warfare that is leading up to a final conflagration. Watching Paris is Burning is a sober spectacular for the mass media brainwashed, but for geopolitical observers in the know, the time proven and trusted strategy of using fear over security breaches works every time. Missing in the scores of all the manipulated “situations” is a full appreciation of the grand view of who really benefits from a high anxiety society that always succumbs into a greater level of a police state. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Dragoons Sweep the Streets

The thin veneer of civilization has once again proven, to be too fragile for confidence in the long-term future of a disintegrating country. As the mainstream media coverage of the Ferguson shooting of Michael Brown and the ensuing riots illustrates, "never let a crisis go to waste", also applies to situations cooked up to spread the gospel and virtues of a Homeland Security Brown Shirt Corp. The race-baiting machine loves to broadcast the PC culture as the time-tested diversion from the existential threats to our very survival. "Keep hope alive" is just as dead as Rodney King, and his unforgettable plea, "Can we all just get along?"

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Immigration Ends the Nation State

Nations were once formed around common culture, same language, related races, similiar communities, shared political values and communal religious beliefs. Governments were organized to administer basic functions for a stable society. Diversity was viewed in the character of each different country. Today diversity  has come to mean the practice of obliterating the unique nature of an established society and substituting an amalgamation of the ‘blender community’. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives