Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Globalism’s War for Domination

Some of us were there during the struggle to stop the war in another era. How quickly our fellow neighbors forget what the struggle over Viet Nam was all about. For those born after that period of national discontent, the lessons of that conflict seem to escape them. By now it should be clear for even the most staunch supporter of that debacle and tragic chapter of our history, that the only victory of that combat was the continual march to globalize the world community. The canard that the struggle against Communism was wholly a battle between good and evil has been exposed as a false choice. The last remnants of the righteous; namely the American experiment, that once gleamed hope for mankind, dissolved an entire century before that campaign in South East Asia. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Case For Becoming A Conscientious Objector

With the great success of Tom Brokaw's book, 'The Greatest Generation', it would seem that the public would have little interest in questioning the tenants of American Foreign Policy that have been in place for most of the last century. The thrust of most political discourse centers upon the role of government, its growth, influence and reach upon society. Few care to concern themselves about those foreign lands and those faceless protectors of American interests that serve their nation. That's the way its has been for decades. The obligation to serve is now the opportunity to earn. So what's the need to examine this matter? 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, May 27, 2016


Arguments on expansion of NATO are ridiculous. The question is why should NATO continue? The European Union is attempting to become a rival to Pax America. So what is the compelling interest for America to finance this competing interest? It is prudent to pay for the systemic destruction of nukes from the Russia arsenal. But why should the US pay for defending Germany when the only threat for a new Reich is the advent of a NATO run by the EU? Just who is the lamebrain, and who doesn't learn? 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Revisit the Planet of the Apes

A planet ruled by animals, not humans! How could such a world be and would it be any better? Certainly, such a question would be preposterous if answered: how could it be any worse . . . at least that response would be seen as cynical by most inhabitants. Hasn’t the human species developed this globe and accomplished achievements that only intelligent life can understand and appreciate? Maybe so, from a technological feat; but what about the social component?

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Woman of the Year, or is it?

The game of presidential politics is often described as musical chairs.  Actually it is more like “Pop Goes the Weasel”.  Since national elections have proved to be irrelevant, tweedledum and tweedledee charades, what’s the point in getting worked up over the next cycle?  Well adjusted minds know that the next presidency will just be another administration that wastes the country.  Another ‘Croissant Kerry’ run would drive the electorate to riot.  A McCain march will never get fundamental troops to get in line.  What will the parties on both sides of the same coin do?  When in doubt call in the consultants and pollsters.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The 'Hundred Days' of Reform Demur

Almost a half century ago a time of relative tranquillity was characterized with long afternoons on the golf course. The kindly looking father figure possessed enormous support from his nation. Prosperity was expanding, families enjoyed each other and the era was known as a 'Golden Age'. He was called 'Ike' and America knew her own identity. An atmosphere of innocence and self esteem was proudly worn, and people did not fear to express their pride in the country. Government was relatively small, and roads for commerce attracted their attention. It seems to be a description from another planet, not just several decades ago. Then why does George the younger, convey a sense of dejavu? 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, May 23, 2016

Outsourcing, Nation Building and Open Borders

Three pillars weaken a collapsing foundation for a viable self-sufficient society.  Each targets the destruction of self-rule and sovereignty.  Each amplifies on the disintegration of the other.  And each is interconnected in a much broader strategy to destroy self-determination, freedom and national security.

Outsourcing has been part of the globalist scheme for decades.  Sold under the misnomer of Free Trade the real intent is to drain a domestic self-sustaining economy from internal independence.  The stark reality of exporting living wage jobs and laying waste to crucial industrialized segments of an effective economy benefits only the transnational corporatoracy.  The lust for cheap labor drives every possible job overseas.  Real wage purchasing power sinks with each decade.  Replacement employment in new-fangled ventures and fields seldom provide a compatible level of inflationary adjusted remuneration. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Friday, May 20, 2016

Homeland Security in the Land of the Free

The horror stories about the Transportation Security Administration are indisputable. In the post 911 environment, civil liberties routinely ignored or eliminated, become a mere memory in a country that once prided itself as the beacon of freedom for the entire world. The TSA is part of the Department of Homeland Security. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is also an agency of DHS. The public relation spin for the purpose of such authorities is to protect citizens and guard the nation. The reality is that DHS bureaus have the same mission, keep the government safe from potential real or imaginary threats. Interpret threats to mean anyone who opposes the establishment regime, now known as, the military-industrial-financial-security complex.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Supreme Court Protects the State

The highest court in the land operates with one purpose - Preserving the Protection Racket. The idea that the U.S. Constitution means what it says and that the Bill of Rights has the categorical purpose of safekeeping individual rights, is ignored by the black ropes. Little attention has been given in the media to the refusal of the court to hear and rule on Silveira v. Lockyer, 312 F3d 1052 (9th Cir. 2002) a Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that the Second Amendment affords Americans no personal right to own firearms. By declining to take up this review, the Supreme Court ruled as every court has with their silence, since 1939. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

AMA = Asinine Meddling Agitators

The new president of the American Medical Association, Dr. Richard F. Corlin from Santa Monica, California has a pet peeve. His proposal for a study into firearm injuries is nothing more than an assault upon guns themselves. It seems the good doctor wants data on the subject so that a review can be made to set AMA policy against gun violence. Well who would oppose reducing gun related injuries and deaths, but with the recent history of this esteemed group of physicians, it seems that this president is siding with 'Doctors Against Handgun Injury'. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

“Clear Thinking” Counterfeit Conservatives

Propaganda has become the normal diet for what passes as today’s popular political discourse. Facts now have pliable reality, as language is twisted to fit the circumstance. Linguistic analysis is practiced with a purity of the social relativist. Timeless standards, once unassailable and founded in inimitable certainty, are routinely discarded for the flavor of the day truth, as the situation demands. The hijacking and insidious appropriation of the monogram - CONSERVATIVE - its authentic philosophy, tradition and meaning, is systemically betrayed. At the core of the phony falsifiers is the conduct to deceive, with the motive to control and rule.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, May 16, 2016


Adherents of principle are not proponents of 'popular culture'. When you justify 'situations ethics', you become a 'matron of genocide'. That is the ultimate 'PC' creed, which you so readily profess. Destroy life whenever and wherever you find it; especially when it seeks and holds sacred values.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Friday, May 13, 2016

The march into internment advances

The past year 2004 started off as a time to go fishing and ends in a tsunami wave of calamity. The relief efforts are portrayed as assistance after the effect of a natural disaster, but the real story for the year is the onslaught of refugee  camps of a very different kind. The condition of the globe is much more at risk from political discord than from an environmental catastrophe. If the planet can rally to aid the suffering from the wrath of mother nature, why is it virtually impossible to resolve the differences from man made conflicts? 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Thursday, May 12, 2016

An Election Ordained in Hell

Digesting the results from a Diebold voting count is like holding your breath while drowning in a pool of your own blood. You hope the statistics will provide optimism, while you know that you are expiring from the loss of your own vital fluid. Pundits are quick on the draw to report rumors and dispense disinformation from exit polls. Party operatives talk the game, while the hacks work the counting machines. The red areas spread as the blues befall the loss from a fickle suitor. -

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Draft is Slavery

The recent announcement of Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y. that he will submit a bill in the next congressional session to make military service mandatory, should send shivers up your spine. Here are his own words: "I'm going to introduce legislation to have universal military service to let everyone have an opportunity to defend the Free World against the threats coming to us." For those who can no longer recall the history of the Viet Nam period, it would be simple to repeat the arguments that were used to discredit the nature of a military draft. While those condemnations were valid and remain so today, they often missed the most fundamental reason to oppose universal service to the State.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Missing Link That Allows Despotism

With all the talk and rumors of a future impeachment of George W. Bush, some awareness of past perspective needs to take hold of wild fantasies.  All those wishful anti-Bush prognosticators pin their hopes on a Democratic Congressional rout in the November 2006 elections.  Contrast with common sense opponents of Bush administration policies, historic recognition demonstrates that the Clinton precedent was doomed from the beginning.  No doubt William Jefferson Clinton committed treason by his technological transfers to the Chinese Communists, but that kind of subversion is the practice of the global Free Trade policies for decades.  George Walker Bush on the other hand has used the U.S. Constitution as toilet paper in his phony War of Terror.  Again, just another example of “business as usual” by POTUS standards.  The federal government long ago buried the noble Republic.  So why be shocked when imperial fiat becomes capricious law?  So far, who really believes that President Bush will be removed from office by a vote from the Senate?  Impeachment post Clinton, has become a campaign fund raising opportunity. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Monday, May 9, 2016

Protect Government Officials at all costs

Much of the coverage, about the tragic killings in Tucson, Arizona centers upon the deranged shooter, Jared Loughner. What is gradually coming out about this strange gunman is now very different from the initial reporting.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford makes a miraculous recovery. Christina Taylor Green is laid to rest, as are Dorothy Morris, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwin Stoddard and Gabriel Zimmerman. Their families mourn this needless loss and the county grieves. So far, the lack of reporting about the full circumstances regarding Judge John Roll adds to the uncertainty. Was it mere coincidence that he was one of the slain on this same fateful day?

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives