Monday, February 29, 2016

The Maps Tell The Story

Emotions hit another round of intensity with the uproar from the recently published map of Palestine from the State Information Service. The popular clamor asks, is this the ultimate goal of the PLO - remove Israel from the map of the middle east altogether?

Few can offer even the faintest glimmer of the chances for a peaceful resolution to the full scale warfare that has erupted in this ancient land. But how many people know the history of the last fifty plus years and the background that has brought the world to the brink of the ultimate holocaust? Millions of words have been written about who is at blame and the reasons for this eternal hatred. But a few pictures may explain better than appeals to reason.

Starting with the United Nations Partition Plan, 1947, the original borders for the state of Israel are quite limited. This index illustrates the significant border changes after the 1949 War of Independence, after the six day war of 1967, than after the 1982 return of Sinai and the invasion of Lebanon, and finally after Palestinian autonomy and Lebanon withdrawal in 2000. 

But the most notable map is the one that identifies the Israeli settlements on the West Bank. A careful analysis of the locations and the areas that are an effective no man's land, demonstrates the consequences of the expanded settlements. It is hard to believe that Israel will ever agree to remove their own population from these areas.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Friday, February 26, 2016

The “Gang of Eight” Immigration Constituency

The illegal immigration invasion has been ongoing for decades. All efforts to shut the door on unrestricted entry are "all hat no cattle". The notion that it is impossible to secure the territorial borderlines is an insult to every native born citizen. The dirty policy that is not much of a secret is that the establishment wants an influx of low wageworkers that drives down the cost of labor. The consistent pattern of domestic de-industrialization is a core objective of globalism. Few issues are more in the national interest than managing a rational immigration system. The public consistently registers their disgust with the negative impact that "Open Borders" imposes. However, for all their discontent, the political-corporatist league of dishonesty continues with their game of money-spinning manipulation.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Investiture of Heretical Doctrine

“There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom.” - Text of Bush's Inaugural Speech

Then why Mr. President, do you act as the sword of vengeance and unleash the instruments of destruction, while you eliminate that very freedom from the homeland that you claim to defend.  By now the praises for President Bush have reached a level seldom seen in our lifetime.  The disconnect from the terminal  penalty that follow his policies are ignored as the band plays on.  For Bush, FREEDOM is defined as deference for his clear ideal of what humanity must become.  The mission he has set for himself, and for the rest of us, cannot be challenged – he knows best and will save the rest of the planet from itself.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Gravitas best achieved when Embedded

Symbols like waving an American flag, many now made in China, passes the muster with most Americans. As long as it's red, white and blue - you can’t go wrong! Or can you? Back during that other invasion in the swamps of that Southeast Asian delta, the Garnett Newspaper chain would run a section on their lead page called, “The War at a Glance”. Now on one particular 24 hour news channel with all those good looking babes, a retired general pops up with the latest - “Your Military Minute”. Now this is reporting we can all be proud of and believe . . .  Or is it? 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Wal-Mart we all know and love

What does a famous pin ball wizard have in common with the planet's largest retailer? An internet version of the old bar room game has not exactly mastered the cyber world, as it has in the bricks and mortar arena. But why worry about e-commerce when you have so much  of the retail market in your hands? And it’s growing all the time . . . 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, February 22, 2016

Inspiration or Substitute Heroes ?

In an age where heroes are as rare as happiness, we are continually told that celebrities are the substitute. Society has strayed so far off the path of purpose, and has manufactured substitute ideals that are more figments of desire, than models to emulate. Modern time has lost examples of heroism, but we still have the need for people to admire and believe in. So it is not unusual to see the attention that is being paid to the passing of an entertainment icon. 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, February 19, 2016


In order to restore natural balance in our species, our culture needs to conform to innate rules of reality.  The way to reestablish an inborn equilibrium that respects basic human rights for all segments and every individual is to wage a "Renaissance Revolution".  The yoke of cultural perversion must be lifted from our necks so that our heads can use their brains to achieve instinctive human distinctive roles in a natural order for society.   

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Political Socialization in the Absence of Reason

Culture is the fabric that binds society. Socialization or the lack thereof, is a cognitive operation of acceptance. What a person recognizes as valid is a process of giving consent to the underlying principles and norms that make up a value system. The actual method of internalizing a view of life is usually the end product of institutional design and political indoctrination. In order to define the nature of political socialization, examine some popular definitions. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

UN transparency and accountability

As the Iraq quagmire deepens and the ensuing civil war broadens, what is the role of the United Nations? Specific steps that need to be taken are less important than the underpinnings that make up the formula for “peace keeping” by the global community. The charter for the UN rests not in a document of international agreement, but resides within the quackery that gave substance to the creation of this world body. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Botox Fix for a Sovereign Debt Burst

How can a country be sovereign if their government must borrow money to pay their bills? Worse yet, in order to create money the State must go to the central bank and pay interest for every new currency that is created out of thin air. The two key elements that explain the absurd foundation of the global debt pyramid are simple, 1) Fractional Reserve Banking. 2) Legal Tender Laws.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, February 15, 2016

Do Foreigners Have a Right to Enter the United States?

For the purest of Libertarians, their answer would be that no nation should limit the free travel and movement of individuals across borders. Such a conclusion is one of the best illustrations why theory must be founded in reality, for it to have merit. If the optimum criteria is to postulate the best of all possible worlds, you better locate to a fantasy planet where you are the sole monarch. In the real world, governments exist and operate by their prime directive - to protect and preserve the STATE. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Friday, February 12, 2016

Hillary Express Hits a Wall

What can be written about Hillary Clinton that has not already been said? HilLIARy fatigue is natural, but ignoring all the lies and sleaze becomes the first goal of her 2016 presidential campaign. What is clear during the preliminary posturing is that hubby “Big Dog” Bill’s practice of trolling for bitches in heat will dominate the coverage. Poor old Hillary, a pureblood victim among mix breeds. The pretense that she continues in a loving marriage is about as insulting to the voters as the perverse behavior of either of the Clintons. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why Supreme Court Selections are a False Choice

The commotion over the nominations of John Roberts and Harriet Miers avoid the central problem with the Supreme Court.  Judicial review in its pure raw form is a guaranteed formula for state sponsored terrorism.  Under the fig leaf of law, the court manufactures excuses for the state to use force and intimidation to compel, coerce and control society for the benefit of the central government.  Is there any question that Supreme Court jurists are government employees?  Of course not, so why is it automatically assumed that black robed magistrates serve the cause of justice when their rulings practice the art of the magician.  Perfecting tricks of deception and canonizing their illusion as settled law is like announcing to the public that your life and liberty are arbitrary and contingent upon the “good will” of the sacred master of power. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Oscar has a new name - trash

Soon you will hear; the envelope please, and the Oscar goes to? Since we will be protected from the embarrassment of another Janet Jackson flashing a body part, maybe the academy will demonstrate their gratitude with awarding a lifetime achievement to her embattled brother. For dedication and contributions to the betterment of America’s youth and their education from the archives of the magic one gloved maladjusted molester. It’s all show biz . . . all that counts is the take at the close of the performance. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Republican Death Wish

When Nelson Rockefeller ruled New York like a personal estate in his South American holdings, residents of the Empire State resigned themselves to his liberal version of government. Who can forget the battles that were fought for the heart and soul of the Republican Party back in time when conventions were more than mere PR rhetoric? Lines were drawn and party loyalty took second seat to Ideology and Principle. For those within the broad Taft tradition, these were the good old days. So what causes the current generation of operatives to forget the reason that makes one become a Republican? 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, February 8, 2016


Nothing illustrates the dilemma of political debate better than the framing of an issue by the 'Loiterer of the Left'. Failure to understand or to accept that government is the opponent of the free market and is in capable of creating the magic of wealth, is at the core of his thinking. Or should I say sophistry? Arguments between or among foolish options is not only a waste of energy, but when they take the form of policy, become deadly. 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Friday, February 5, 2016

The New World Order Zeitgeist

The "spirit of the times" for the New World Order worshipers is essentially anti-God sentiment. There is no longer an issue if the NWO is real. It operates as the dominant social matrix that engulfs the planet. Look around and the only cogent explanation for the absurdity that inflicts universal suffering rests upon an admission that humanity is evil to the core. Once religions recognized redemption and accepted that salvation as a divine gift. However, since the age of humanism and the supposed death of a supreme being, the planet has entered into an asylum of insanity and collective anguish. A detail examination of Humanism: Philosophy of the New World Order defines the parameters of the heterodoxy from all human history. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Martyring Voltaire

David Irving's persecution has been compared to the prosecution of Galileo.  The Rev. Ted Pike offers up a list of other less celebrated fatalities of thought crimes.  Pike's prediction is frightening:  "The conviction of David Irving is a chilling wake-up call that hate crimes laws and international enforcement of them are not going to go away. They are vital to the ADL/B'nai B'rith master plan for eventual triumph over Christian civilization." 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What a Great Society we have become!

Keep It Simple Stupid, seems to be the only language that the nation is able to handle anymore. Yes, they want the security to remain dumb and to be protected from their own ignorance. That’s the American way, no matter what the cost. So when we look at the latest U.S. Federal budget, we aren’t astounded with its size, nor the lack of public unrest or even its waste. No; what amazes is that the laws of reality, suspended in a permanent suspension, didn’t get a cabinet level designation and a budget to complete the perfection process.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

State Administered Viagra

Our society is sustained on a steady diet of hype. Incrementalism is the means that common folks are indoctrinated into regimentation. Drip by drip the IV, intravenous feeding, that starts at birth cumulates in the popular culture of fornication. The purpose of this behavior is not gratification or reproduction, it’s all about diversion. If you think the business of sex is about relations between two individuals, you have missed the point of the penetration. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, February 1, 2016

Alternative to Establishment Foreign Policy Politics

The reason why nothing changes to reverse the foreign policy of the imperial empire is that international globalists control the country. The horrors of two world wars, the cold war, Korea and Viet Nam destroyed the essential wisdom practiced at the inception of the nation. The incessant intrusion into the Middle East brings us to the brink of WW III. Now the next frontier is being prepared to include Asia, Africa and the Arctic. As long as the public accepts a foreign policy of an arrogant super power, the path to oblivion for the Republic is ensured.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives