Friday, October 30, 2015

Gay Marriage, Obama and the Me Value Culture

Debating the virtues and morality of accepting gay marriage unions is like discussing the merits of pedophiles catering head start parties for children. How one comes down on the comparison, usually depends upon your own personal value system and culture of acceptable conduct. The red herring of committing a "Hate Crime" for even having the cojones to raise the issue, exemplifies just how far society has sunk to abandon valid intellectual scrutiny. Audacity in the defense of Western Civilization traditions, ethics and, much less religious principles, is rapidly becoming a ubiquitous bias-motivated offense. Celebrating diversity has become accepting depravity.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Constitution: on Being a Citizen and Person

Governments have a rule they like to enforce. Defining the standards for citizenship is fundamental to the organization of society. The State has emerged as the final arbitrator for disputes, especially conflicts between the 'person', and the government. But is any person a citizen? The wording within the U.S. Constitution on this topic is clear and indisputable. 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Arguments on expansion of NATO are ridiculous. The question is why should NATO continue? The European Union is attempting to become a rival to Pax America. So what is the compelling interest for America to finance this competing interest? It is prudent to pay for the systemic destruction of nukes from the Russia arsenal. But why should the US pay for defending Germany when the only threat for a new Reich is the advent of a NATO run by the EU? Just who is the lamebrain, and who doesn't learn? 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Alienation Inevitability

In a world where estrangement is prevalent, it is not unusual that the forces of cultural socialization will preach a doctrine that rejects the reality of this common condition. Refusal to acknowledge the systemic occurrence of social alienation is the sign of the success that conditioning has achieved. Institutions, organizations and bureaucratic organisms all share a mutual root tenet - they are the embodiment of the social order. If one is to believe in their correctness, then conflict should be minimal. Just look around, the planet is hardly a friendly social environment. Maybe, all is not well in paradise . . .

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Monday, October 26, 2015

Oil Roustabout Economy

This is a story about stevedores of the world. No land too isolated, no climate too hostile and no sea too remote - to be left unexplored. The insatiable hunger to feed the machines of technocrazy isn’t restricted to robots or androids. Nay, it’s core tool is foreign policy. The world turns on money. Oil is the prevailing fuel that burns the engines of commerce. Computer networks may be the controller, information data the pertinent valued commodity, but oil is still the indispensable ingredient. Or so we are told for the foreseeable future. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Friday, October 23, 2015

Globalist Gangster's Nevada Land Grab

The Agenda 21 model is evident for the entire world to see as the ChiComs and their treasonous political class partners, collude to drive off Cliven Bundy and his family, who have been ranching in the area since the 1800s. Forget about the dodge about the endangered tortoise, those trumpeted up $1.1 million in unpaid grazing fees, or even water rights. Federal Court property rights decisions and the court order in the Bundy case, only muddy the water about what is really going on. Fundamental civil liberty protections against a tyrannical bureaucratic government gone amuck may seem to be the main story to many, but when you delve into the monumental financial motives behind this land grab, the worse is yet to come.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Nelson Mandela the Myth and the Reality

Seldom does a cultural test so clearly delineate the rational from the imbeciles. The interminable eulogizing of Nelson Mandela is an unambiguous sign of the lack in historic perspective and understanding that passes for public consensus. The mass media would have you believe that Mandela is a hero, when the evidence and particulars tell a very different story. Let no fact get in the way of making a New World Order icon. Simply put, the elites created Communism as a step towards imposing a universal authoritarian dictatorship.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wall Street Reaps Big Bucks from the Wind

The latest rage out of the boiler room sharks that hawk new equity issues touts alternative energy.  The hype that is coming out of Wall Street resembles the internet band wagon before the bust.  Investors are getting calls from brokers about unit trusts, mutual funds and hot shares.  Goldman Sachs rushes to finance the offers with their expertise – using other peoples’ money.  And why not when the taxpayer is being used as the patsy to subsidize the greed and insatiable appetite of the vultures that swarm around looking for an easy meal.  

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

'Cosmic Consciousness' as Practiced For All To See

Witnessing the continuous replays from the massacre and destruction of the Twin Towers, one ordinarily seeks to understand the nature of the Evil that allows the commission of such dreadful crimes. As with most actions, behavior is motivated by the underlying beliefs, goals and aspirations of those involved. In this tragic event, we all have a difficult time accepting that such a callous disregard for innocent life is possible, from the hands of one man against another. So how can such cruelty be explained and how can it be averted from striking us again? 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Intentional Tourist

Few endeavors are more instructional than traveling to a foreign country. Whether the experience is a positive or a burden depends significantly on the selections of your destination. The process and means of going abroad, has changed from sailing to buckling into an airplane seat. Driving north to visit Canadians doesn’t require the same skills to plunge south of the border. But making the leap across the pond for a European adventure requires a second mortgage to go first class. Even more daring is required to head west and visit the East. So why in an era of uncertainty should the wayfarer venture into the unknown?

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, October 16, 2015


Propaganda designed to target Iran as the greatest threat to the world is just the latest sequel in the machinated melodrama of the evil empire.  Make no mistake about it, the imperialists of internationalism are the cause of global insanity.  How many neo-Hiltlers have to be created to impose the New World Order of the Zionist-Amerika axis?  If you equate America and her true national interest with a pre-empted interventionist foreign policy you have been programmed to accept that the globe is flat.  Such horizontal thinking only seeks to smother the earth with that hideous fraud known as controlled democracy which imposes a repugnant servitude upon every dissenting nation that has the gall to disobey the “World Community”. 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Political Socialization in the Absence of Reason

Culture is the fabric that binds society. Socialization or the lack thereof, is a cognitive operation of acceptance. What a person recognizes as valid is a process of giving consent to the underlying principles and norms that make up a value system. The actual method of internalizing a view of life is usually the end product of institutional design and political indoctrination. In order to define the nature of political socialization, examine some popular definitions.

Compare both versions of Political Socialization.

"Political socialization is a lifelong process by which people form their ideas about politics and acquire political values. The family, educational system, peer groups, and the mass media all play a role. While family and school are important early in life, what our peers think and what we read in the newspaper and see on television have more influence on our political attitudes as adults."

A second viewpoint of Political Socialization states:

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Syria: Another Zionist War for Suckers

Just like a broken clock, it tells correct time twice a day. Barack Hussein Obama’s promise to have Congress vote upon his Syria’s strike force plans is a first since the historic constitutional betrayal in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Even the feeble attempt in The War Powers Act of 1973, to place accountability on Imperial Presidents, routinely ignored by other POTUS, struck new heights of arrogance and abuses under this infamous Nobel Peace Prize President

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

No Labels = the Ignorant Middle

The American electorate seldom demonstrates an ability to resist the appeals of slick marketing and charlatan candidates. The "so called" swing vote is the battleground where every election is fought. View the vast middle as the ill-equipped idiots that continually waste their vote on establishment surrogates who always protest the corporate/state as their primary campaign pledge. They spin it with charming platitudes, but in the end, they shield their corporate masters. 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Monday, October 12, 2015

Congressional Sellout on TPP Fast Track

There is a simple reason why the Congress is held is such ill repute. Leadership in both parties are total agents for the Plutocrats that have systematically destroyed our economy with their globalist corporatist model that results in national impoverishment. The only startling pattern to this bipartisan betrayal is that the public continues to accept their excruciating fraud with only a whimper of discontent. BATR has covered the TPP Fast Track issue intensively. The most consistent observation is that the public, in this sinking economy, has ignored the impact that will accelerate, as the leaks from this secretive agreement become known. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Friday, October 9, 2015

Pride in America the Stupid

Anyone who has ever injected politics into a discussion knows that it guarantees controversial discourse. People agree on very little, these days. It was not always that way. Once upon a time, there was a basic consensus on fundamental core worldviews. God was revered, natural law was accepted and tyranny was despised. Now, we live in perpetual chaos after burying the Almighty, discarding traditional values and tolerating permanent despotism. What remains is politics conducted as a fantasy sport game. Avoidance of reality is the source of national pride. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Do Foreigners Have a Right to Enter the United States?

For the purest of Libertarians, their answer would be that no nation should limit the free travel and movement of individuals across borders. Such a conclusion is one of the best illustrations why theory must be founded in reality, for it to have merit. If the optimum criteria is to postulate the best of all possible worlds, you better locate to a fantasy planet where you are the sole monarch. In the real world, governments exist and operate by their prime directive - to protect and preserve the STATE.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The lesson on being a controversial politician

The recent primary results from Georgia has Congress Rep. Bob Barr and Cynthia McKinney looking for another job. It seems that voters are less concerned with dynamic advocacy, and prefer a low key style or a novice approach of an ex judge. John Linder and Denise Majette are hardly household names, but now they will get a ticket to ride the wave of non polemical representation. Just the latest sign of the times, or is it just another example of business as usual? 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Just get the concept: "Building friendly, democratic nations . . . creating a peaceful, better world." These are the ingredients that produce that portrait of the 'Ugly American'. Senseless notions like this, are the legacy of Woodrow Wilson. Mindset like this is the root cause for American hatred. Meddling as a way of life, is the definitive mission of bleeding hearts. Attempts to place equivalency between Western Europe and Afghanistan demonstrates the allusions of deception that feed the thinking of Liberals. The Marshall Plan was desired by the refugees of a savaged continent. Now we are supposed to believe that the inhabitants of this vast wasteland want the kind of aid, with accompanying strings, that would come alongside 'nation building'? 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Monday, October 5, 2015

Kierkegaard as a Political Man

How can anyone be considered apolitical when his earliest writing was a polemic against women's liberation? Could he be depicted as a nineteenth century misogynist or is his intuition well-founded for the ages? In  “Another Defense of Woman's Great Abilities”, using the pseudonym “A”, Kierkegaard “paints exaggerated pictures of transformations that, in his opinion, are likely to occur in the wake of female liberation. He resorts to ridicule […] and pokes fun at the woman presumptuous enough to cross the boundaries naturally allotted to her sex”. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Real Threat to National Security

Is the threat from foreign terrorists the undertaking of homeland insecurity?  The preoccupation since 911 with a self-serving “War of Terror” has been masked under the appearance of national security.  Tracking down targeted Jihad terrorists and waging regional search and destroy missions has become the growth industry of the new millennium.  The rationale and justification for such a protracted conflict rests upon a cowardly attack on American soil.  If you listen to the official version of events anyone who questions the validity of blaming Islamic Fascists must be unpatriotic.   

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Media Once Bitten, Forever Scorn

Hurrah, the worm has turned! Or has it? The corporatist controlled mass media love affair with the puppet spinmeister seems to be on the rocks. For progressive propagandists, the profession of journalism has long sunk into the sewer. Withal, the elitist snobbery of the self-appointed gatekeepers for the globalist power structure got a slap in the face and a wakeup call, from Associated Press spy-gate. The reporter darlings for the Obama “Chicago Outfit” protection racket just got a taste of unexpected payback appreciation. Slow on the uptake, Obama Lapdog Andrea Mitchell on IRS Scandal: “One of the most outrageous excesses I’ve seen in all my years in journalism” “Wait until this fossil finds out about AP records being seized.” 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives