Mother Russia is a much different
country from the Stalin gulags. With all the faults of a long tradition of
authoritarian rule, it is natural for observers in the West to be suspect of the
latest would be Czar. The remnants of the cold war linger with concerns of the
true motives and goals of a second Vladimir Putin era. By most reliable
accounts, he never left the power circle prior to his return as President. Upon
his latest election, The Guardian published an article Putin's election victory is a headache for the
west. "Nobody is any doubt that the Putin who returns to the Kremlin in
May is the same Putin who has effectively run Russia for the past 12 years –
prickly, uncompromising, suspicious and fond of snide remarks about western
hypocrisy and double standards."
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
"Toxic Obama" - the latest failed Presidency
Can you say - Jimmy
Carter II? At the risk of insulting the peanut grower, the impostor with suspect
naturalization credentials is poised to top the nightmare of the one term
Trilateral Commission buffoon. Barack Hussein Obama’s plantation expertise
surpasses the gentleman planter. Must be natural, coming from the genetic
markers that fertilize the fields of human thralldom . . . This Manchurian
Marxist foreigner, trained in the black art of subversion and Orphic worship thinks he is
a candidate for elevation to messiah. Never a sentence is uttered
where I, the first-person, singular personal pronoun is not
central to the thought.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
BP – Beyond Petroleum = Big Trouble
The public
relations television campaign states that BP now means beyond petroleum no
longer appears on air. British Petroleum inescapably and unremittingly is now
linked as the culpable corporate criminal of the greatest man made environmental
disaster of all time. As confusing as the catastrophe seems, no one can
reasonably deny the danger the Gulf of Mexico region has already suffered. The
only unanswered aspect is how much more damage will migrate from beyond the
drilling blow out.
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Monday, July 28, 2014
Hate Laws Intended to Silence Truth
In a relativism culture of social permissiveness, the
non-judgmental attitude, held out as the suitable standard for conduct, has
become the politically correct behavior. One might think that anything goes
under this mindset. However, the exact opposite practice and enforcement, under
the most rigid conditions, is championed as necessary for enlighten and tolerant
liberalists. The proliferation of demands that hate speech is the new capital
crime, actually is counter iterative in building a civil society. This orthodoxy
of the fanatical, proudly presents this illuminated and required deportment, as
obligatory for all citizens.
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Friday, July 25, 2014
Rogue Terrorism for a Greater Israel
peoples that resist the power politics of Zionism condemn aggressive actions of
the outlaw Israeli state regularly. Yet most of the western democracies that are
under the control of Talmud media and Khazar finance continue to defend the
apartheid policies that are designed to purge any prospect of Palestinian, right to return, to the land of their forced removal. No matter
what your politics are regarding the Middle East, the indisputable fact exists
that the Greater
Israel design for expanded territory is a
core impediment of this interminable conflict.
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Sustainability in All Things except Rational Thinking
Few words stir up passion and
polarization like sustainability. The EPA offers up this description. "The
traditional definition of sustainability calls for policies and strategies that
meet society’s present needs without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs." Gee, who could disagree with such touchy
and feely sentiments? The answer is always in the details and when you strip
away the platitudes, what remains is a coordinated plot to enslave humanity
under a burden of a Carbon Tax scheme. The environment has more risk from
globalist central planning than from any fossil fuel emissions. Proponents of
the global warming religion demonstrate a disdain for rational thinking that
challenges their doctrine of a heterodox belief. The sustainability cult ignores any
evidence that conflicts with their political agenda.
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
It is acknowledged
by the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise that Zionism is a national
movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. Jewish
sovereignty in the Land of Israel is the goal, leaving open the tangible, as
well as, spiritual aims. Grounds for opposing this vision are claims that
Zionism is a secular non-Jewish movement or that it is not true to the teaching
of the Torah. With this as background, it should be taken as a given that
Zionism is not a substitute term for Jews, as individuals or as a people. It is
a movement with a political goal, that takes the form of Israeli Policy.
Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives
Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Statist Philosophy the Scourge of Christianity
The normal condition of man ruling over men resorts to the
practice of coercive force. Statism so aptly reflects this system of compliance.
When you strip away all the rhetoric and institutional validation, what is left
is a doctrine of kingship. Governments are fashioned to exert control over
people. Contemplate the intrinsic contradiction of this structure of dominance
with the message of the Golden Rule.
Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives
Monday, July 21, 2014
The Plan - Apartheid Wall
By now you must have seen the size
of this gader hafradeh ("separation fence"). According to Nigel Parry on The Electronic Intifada: "Israel's Separation Barrier,
dubbed the "Apartheid Wall" or "Berlin Wall" by Palestinians, has increasingly
attracted international media attention, largely due to the hard-to-ignore scale
of the project. The most obvious historical parallel to the barrier is the
Berlin Wall, which was 96 miles long (155 kilometers). Israel's barrier, still
under construction, is expected to reach at least 403 miles in length (650
kilometers). The average height of the Berlin Wall was 11.8 feet (3.6 metres),
compared with the maximum* current height of Israel's Wall -- 25 feet (8
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Friday, July 18, 2014
The State Department's New World Order Agenda
Flag waving Americans want to believe that their government is on the
right side of history. Especially in the realm of foreign policy, the myth that
the United States saved the world from despotic tyrants, popularly reflected in
the victor’s account of post World War II, is the accepted viewpoint. Hidden
from public education is that the New World
Order was the actual winner. The specific inception
of the globalist forces that originated the sub rosa directions behind
formable institutions and governments dates well back over centuries. However,
the modern technocratic era allows for the dramatic acceleration of a one-world
system imposition, which was never possible in previous times.
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Thursday, July 17, 2014
The Obama Exodus to the Promised Land
Barak Obama’s
journey to the Holy Land hardly resembles the trek of Moses through the
wilderness. Nonetheless, his flee from accountability does remind of that often
professed transparency. In this case, he cannot hide from his misdeeds. An open
question remains, will public outrages banish the POTUS under the weight of his
transgressions. Alternatively, will the powers of Pharaoh succeed in suppressing
his enemies?
Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Two Causes, Two Results
The sorry state of affairs
that dominates the United States is no accident. The hollow shell of a forlorn Republic has
been stripped bare. The rapid
deterioration of the American dream has been transformed into a perpetual
nightmare. Abandoning moral conduct and
spiritual direction, the country has allowed and accepted a betrayal of basic
and fundamental principles. The national malaise stems from critical causes,
which create predictable consequences.
At the core of these causes is the mind-set of Internationalism and the
belief in Free Trade. The inevitable
result of adopting these erroneous policies produces the perilous plague that
afflicts our country. Debt and the
destruction of the middle class is the inescapable outcome that stares families
and individuals directly in their faces.
The heritage of our birthright has been sold out.
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Know Nothing - The Reality of the American Experience
Oh, remember those "good old days".
Discrimination and ethnic exclusion was the norm and a political party stood for
"red meat" self-interest. The catcalls today ring with a "PC" note, how dare
anyone even allude that restricting immigration can be part of open debate? The
memory of the American Republican
Party fades into vagueness of ignorance, knowing
history is not a requirement of the modern Know Nothings. If you are one of
these marginal historians, how can you be expected to appreciate the
anti-immigrant sentiment that existed over a century and half ago?
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Monday, July 14, 2014
Public Employee Unions Guarantee National Bankruptcy
Presidential executive orders have a long history. Both Democratic and
Republican presidents exercise such commands. Are EO’s a privilege in law or are
they simply a technique to skirt passing a Congressional statute? The executive
branch adopts a pattern of rule that undermines the fundamental purpose of
separation of power. The historic result is that the legislature is relegated to
a junior collaborator in their partnership of crime. The bureaucracy has
developed into a full-fledged imperial juggernaut that has a life of its own.
Who started such an ill-conceived practice?
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Friday, July 11, 2014
National ID
If the government can't
give us an accurate count on illegal aliens, do you really think that these
folks will line up to get a picture of their retina? Get Real! Close the 'Open
Borders' with serious immigration control, and let ordinary citizens enjoy their
Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives
Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives
Thursday, July 10, 2014
The New World Order Zeitgeist
The "spirit of the
times" for the New World Order worshipers is essentially anti-God
sentiment. There is no longer an issue if the NWO is real. It operates as the
dominant social matrix that engulfs the planet. Look around and the only cogent
explanation for the absurdity that inflicts universal suffering rests upon an
admission that humanity is evil to the core. Once religions recognized
redemption and accepted that salvation as a divine gift. However, since the age
of humanism and the supposed death of a supreme being, the planet has entered
into an asylum of insanity and collective anguish. A detail examination of
Humanism: Philosophy of the New World
Order defines the parameters of the heterodoxy from all human history.
Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives
Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
The 21st Century Decade Retrospective
Two earth-shattering catastrophes shaped the last ten years. The
first 911, the staged terror event that provided the self-justification to wage
an endless war against phantom enemies and the second a financial meltdown of
the debt ridden international banking system. This has been a frightful decade
for America.
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
The American "TC" Saga - Part 10 - GLOBAL CONTROLLERS
As difficult as it is for most people to deal with the savage
events that shape and manipulate humanity, it is nearly impossible to get the
multitude to admit that they are expendable bondage slaves to a global system of
hideous design and sinister purpose. The illusion that governments, serve the
people is a total denial of history and especially, current events. Human nature
requires an eternal struggle against the evil committed in the name of the
"public good". Honesty about their plight under the boot of oppression
is too hard to digest. The cause of their captivity refuses to identify their
own role and compliance within the cancerous organism that rules the
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives
Monday, July 7, 2014
The Irrelevance of the Republican Party
The first myth to
dispense with is that the GOP is a conservative political party. The millions of
registered Republican voters, that truly want a genuine conservative to lead
this nation, are disappointed with every election cycle. The idiots that emerge
as the standard-bearer of the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, are would be despots,
wrapped in the flag of a failed empire. The comic performances in the arena of
staged debates, just proves that the party of NeoCons, deserves trouncing into
the ground of their blood stained soil. Only Ron Paul has the dignity and
courage to claim the consent of the public and lead a revolution that dismantles
centralized government. So why won’t rank and file Republicans demand that the
Grand Old Party go to battle against the forces of the New World Order?
Friday, July 4, 2014
A Senate of Subversion
The "World's greatest deliberative body" - the U.S. Senate -
claims to be the mainstay of individual liberty, minority rights and legislative
temperance. In many circles, the exulted accolades that are bestowed upon this
body of lawmaking elders approach reverence. While some of the most heralded
figures in American politics have served in this august body, the chronicle of
the last half-century is a very mixed record of accomplishments. Most observers
view the Senate as the senior chamber in Congress while calling the House the
people's body. Examine the cast of characters that now hold office and ask, are
they really defenders of national virtue or are they conspiratorial
collaborators in the systematic destruction of a free and independent
Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The Handbook of Human Ownership
The enslavement of humanity is
replete throughout history. The reason is simple. The nature of societies allows
corrupt sociopaths and malicious methods of domination to rule. The chronicles
of any era clearly documents that liberty is rare. Inherent
Autonomy is the intrinsic
nature of the human condition. However, in the eternal struggle to achieve
individual freedom, governments operate as overseers in invented schemes to herd
human beasts into inhuman subjugation. The rule of the rulers over the
resistance of the ruled is reality.
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Watergate to Fast and Furious
The Department of Justice has a long
record of acting as the dictatorship of jurisprudence. Acting like council to
the mob, the "Consigliore" Attorney General plots protection rackets
for the ultimate organized crime syndicate. Eric Holder is the latest in a long
line of lawyers that distort and stretch credibility to the theater of the
absurd. Making up legal arguments to distort or conceal culpability is a prime
prerequisite to serve as the chief law enforcement thug for the current
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
The pattern is clear and the
destructive results are obvious. Unlimited and unrestricted illegal immigration
is changing America beyond any recognition of its past glory. When Rome granted
citizenship to foreign subjects who were not committed to the principles of
Roman law and culture, they began their demise into chaos. America is repeating
this same mistake, without even the pretext of formal citizenship. Amnesty for
illicit invaders is American genocide. Your government is not showing
compassion, it is expanding their empire over dependent plebeians. Our fate will
be reduced to that of slaves, serving patricians, while controlled by praetorian
guards. The future of this undeniable holocaust will be a new 'Dark Age'. One
that will be presided over by Caligula, and fought out in coliseums of horror.
It is time that each of us becomes our own gladiator, and have the will to do
battle, with "Strength and Honor" . . .
Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives
Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives
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