Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Article V Constitutional Amendment Options

With all the controversy coming from the Mark Levin argument that Liberty Amendments could be enacted by using Article V, which allows for individual States to use a convention for proposing amendments, to the U.S. Constitution, it is worth an examination. A good primer is offered by the Tea Party Patriots in a webinar symposium, in a four- part session. The first was held online, 1/7/14, was attended for this report. The next three are scheduled for 1/14/14. 1/21/14 and 1/28/14. Those who view this approach as a viable option might want to engage in the Tea Party Community discussion. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Court and your Castle

Justifying the Glorious Revolution of 1688, John Locke advanced natural-rights theory of government. He argued that all just governments are founded on consent and are designed solely to protect people in their inherent rights to life, liberty, and property.  By "property," Locke meant more than land and goods that could be sold, given away, or even confiscated by the government under certain circumstances. Property also referred to ownership of one's self, which included a right to personal well being. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Handbook of Human Ownership

The enslavement of humanity is replete throughout history. The reason is simple. The nature of societies allows corrupt sociopaths and malicious methods of domination to rule. The chronicles of any era clearly documents that liberty is rare. Inherent Autonomy is the intrinsic nature of the human condition. However, in the eternal struggle to achieve individual freedom, governments operate as overseers in invented schemes to herd human beasts into inhuman subjugation. The rule of the rulers over the resistance of the ruled is reality.                            

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Friday, April 25, 2014

Why Government Cannot Be Reformed

As long as you do not live under a rock, you know that the Federal Government prances along on its merry way of central control, no matter who is in office. The traits of arrogance and aloofness are a prerequisite to retain your employment. This pattern of myopic understanding of the precepts of federalism, separation of powers or the nature of a public servant is the primary aptitude of the professional political class. Whether a lowly intern, a career civil employee, a chairman of a Congressional committee or the head of bureaucratic agency; the steamroller of public destruction buries common citizens under the weight of oppressive dictates. 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Supreme Court

This is a country of laws!  Or so it is said.  If that really was the case, judges would be rightly held in esteem.  But what we have is a judiciary hell bent on changing society, in spite of what the law says and means.  In order to understand the plight we live under, read carefully the Inherent Autonomy essay - Why Supreme Court Selections are a False Choice.  Chief Justice John Marshall relegated individual States to second class municipalities, now Judge Samuel Alito will carry on the ignominious tradition that will elevate the Federal Government to even a higher dominance of legalized tyranny.  The selection of Alito will satisfy most of America.  Certainly the Democrats have resigned themselves to his ultimate confirmation.  The Senate confirmation hearings are hardly the ideological battle blood sport some expected. 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Alienation Inevitability

In a world where estrangement is prevalent, it is not unusual that the forces of cultural socialization will preach a doctrine that rejects the reality of this common condition. Refusal to acknowledge the systemic occurrence of social alienation is the sign of the success that conditioning has achieved. Institutions, organizations and bureaucratic organisms all share a mutual root tenet - they are the embodiment of the social order. If one is to believe in their correctness, then conflict should be minimal. Just look around, the planet is hardly a friendly social environment. Maybe, all is not well in paradise . . . 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Imperium the foe of the NWO

Sincere and serious scholars understand the deception and untruth of the linear political spectrum, Marxism on the Left and Fascism on the Right. Those who recognize Hegelian fraud for its mendacity, understand that the only difference between Communism and Nazism is their packaging. Both are one in the same - Totalitarianism. History and politics can only be accurately understood, if the hoax of diametrically opposed authoritarian regimes are exposed for what they are; namely, siblings of despotism. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Monday, April 21, 2014

Totalitarian Collectivism - Part 3 – CHURCH

The role of the Church in 21st century America has hit rock bottom. As a political influence, organized religion is treated as if it is irrelevant. By contrast, the historic influence of religion in the settling of the New World is undeniable. European mercantile motivations to explore, claim and develop the natural wealth of a rich continent, required more than daring adventurers. The repression in the mother counties played a pivotal part for the down trodden and oppressed to flee from the chains of persecution. Religious freedom was as important, if not paramount, for many of the brave souls seeking a new life. 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Friday, April 18, 2014

A Radical Idea - Control Your Own Ports

As with most political controversies, don’t let the facts get in the way of the arguments.  Already enough attention has been placed on the Dubai Ports government owned operations to make a world voyage on a Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. ship resemble a slow boat to China.  At Concorde speed the alarm alerts flash while rational lessons are ignored or slip at a snail's pace into the public consciousness.  The central issue is so clear that a blind man could see.  But not the media, nor the brain washed public and certainly not the great sages of international commerce . . . how about a little class in economic self-interest! 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Amnesty Capitulation Assures a Failed Society

After decades of documenting the mad consequences of an "Open Borders" policy, voices of rational and sane immigration, ready themselves for definitive betrayal from their phony conservative brethren. Mark Krikorian, Roy Beck, Peter Brimelow and Pat Buchanan have waged the crusade to save the nation from the forces of greedy corporatists and demented egalitarianism. Proponents of limitless immigration are committed to the unilateral destruction of what once made America, "A City upon a Hill". 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Know Nothing - The Reality of the American Experience

Oh, remember those "good old days". Discrimination and ethnic exclusion was the norm and a political party stood for "red meat" self-interest. The catcalls today ring with a "PC" note, how dare anyone even allude that restricting immigration can be part of open debate? The memory of the American Republican Party fades into vagueness of ignorance, knowing history is not a requirement of the modern Know Nothings. If you are one of these marginal historians, how can you be expected to appreciate the anti-immigrant sentiment that existed over a century and half ago? 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Taxes are forcing you out of your home

Taxes Taxes Taxes everywhere, but not a buck left to spend! Anyone who is still breathing and coping with a medicated society and head games, knows that disposable income is falling faster than a sinking U.S. Dollar. The root cause of a fading prosperity can be directly traced to the amplified theft that is reverberating throughout an economy of smoke and mirrors.  Add it up and read the bottom line. If there is no indignation, the robbery will just escalate. 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, April 14, 2014


At the core of terrorism is the desire to destroy the economy, institutions and culture of States that are viewed as ultimate EVIL, from the diseased minds of committed fanatics. Hatred is their shared value. It is hard to envision that the world community has as their objective, the elimination of the reasons that breed people, who's purpose in life is to commit an act of genocide. These terrorists viewed their deeds as acts of war. America has concluded they are actions of madmen. I submit that for those who's solution is the elimination of all who hate the West, a tranquil environment can never exist. Why not attempt an approach that halts adding gasoline to the fire? 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Friday, April 11, 2014

American Existentialism Real or Fiction?

Were the French Existentialists correct in concluding that the "American character swaggered with confidence and naive optimism?"  Sartre observed, "evil is not an American concept. There is no pessimism in America regarding human nature and social organization." Beauvoir chimed in that Americans had no "feeling for sin and for remorse." And Camus, thought Americans "lacked a sense of anguish about the problems of existence, authenticity and alienation."  In Carlin Romano's book review of Existential America by George Cotkin, Mr. Romano argues "On the contrary, Cotkin shows in the bulk of his study, "the French missed certain darker and deeper elements in the history of the American mind and spirit." For Cotkin, the "very notion of America as bereft of anguish is absurd. Death and despair appear as much in the American collective consciousness as does the luck-and-pluck optimism of Horatio Alger's heroes". 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Thursday, April 10, 2014

What is Conservative Populism?

Do you consider yourself a conservative? Many well intentioned but misguided souls like to maintain a fallacy that they are part of the right-wing; especially when they support Republicans. These bewildered partisans have bought into an illusion that a conservative is a supporter of the status quo. They often believe that any politician who proclaims they are a champion of a GOP regime are really traditionalists. Some even go so far as to consider it impossible for any Democrat to hold any sentiments that could possibly resemble a conservative viewpoint. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The American "TC" Saga - Part 2 - STATE

Much of western civilization political thought is devoted to the nature of the STATE. Centuries of experience and aspiration are embroiled in the fundamental dichotomy between the individual and the state. When the understanding of this chronicle is applied to the American Saga, a central question emerges. By what authority does the state claim legitimacy? 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Democrats Delusional Worldview

Democratic politics is a false premise experiment. The foundation of the modern liberalism, based upon an erroneous worldview, is a dead end ideology. Compared to the mad NeoCon war-mongering alternative, the fatal attraction of progressives, allures weak minded and desperate people into thinking government can provide solutions. Step back from the false left-right political discussions and focus upon the principles that make up sound and balanced standards for a civil society. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Monday, April 7, 2014

2006 Predictions and Realities

Since 2006 is an election year, it can be safely predicted that the mainstream news will have a focus on covering meaningless political races.  The press will preach how important all these faceless campaigns will be, but in the end, very little ever changes.  What makes this Congressional season different from other cycles is that the undercurrent will be who will emerge to succeed George W. Bush.  In fact the game that will be covered has the hidden agenda of priming the pump for the next emperor to be crowned in 2008.  This is the sad state of affairs of United States national elections.  The politics of substance will be concealed for the appearance of a democratic changing of the guard.  Make no mistake about it the same sentinel for the status quo of establishment socialism is the eventual outcome. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Friday, April 4, 2014

L. Paul Bremer: The Ultimate Ugly American

An Ugly American is a pejorative term for Americans traveling or living abroad who remain ignorant of local culture and judge everything by American standards. So what do you call an administrative occupier who wants to transform a foreign culture into a colonial tool of NeoCon aims and goals? The ultimate is often overused, but in this context, Bremer has demonstrated that he is prominently in the running for such a dubious title. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Howard Beale: Where Are You?

There has never been a more fitting time to resurrect the sermons of our prophet of doom. Mad as hell, just doesn’t mean the same any longer; and who among us, are not willing to take it any more? It doesn’t get any worse, the last straw has been broken, as the courts suck and siphon the last sustenance from society. The Massachusetts high court has just penetrated our privates with their perversion. Rule by precedent is a pretext for legal repression, imposed under the guise of equal rights. Outrage is not enough for their arrogance. The impending outlook of ruin is no longer placed into the future. The future has become now, and there will be no reprieve. 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The subject of medical reform and HMO's is one area where people of 'good will' can have valid differences. But those views may still not provide the solution that seems so illusive to develop. Profit is good in business. But is medicine really a business and should the normal rules of the market apply in the same manner? Current legislation avoids the central issues. Let us agree that the goal is quality of service, proven methods of diagnosis and treatment, value in costs, and widespread availability. A single payer system can never satisfy these requirements. A lesson from another era, seems to have been lost, and may well be the cure we are looking for. A physician has traditionally been in practice as an independent venture. Pay for service, supplemented with individual insurance was the standard. 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Political Significance of Gore Vidal

The Gore Vidal legacy encompasses his numerous novels, literary writings, plays and essays. Few 20th century authors can match the volume of his compositions and consistency in the quality of his thoughts. If one can ignore his anti-religious beliefs and get past his complex sexuality, one can justly focus on the significance within his political viewpoints. Not since Oscar Wilde, has there been a man of letter with comparable wit and ridicule, that capsulated the age of his lifetime. Based upon a keen command of history and a flare for original insights, Vidal was the master political polemicist. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives