Tuesday, December 31, 2013

U.N. vs U.S.

The United States retains her primacy, as a sovereign nation, while being a member of the U.N. The criteria for continued involvement needs to provide advantage for our country. Seldom will the defenders for international assembly develop a case for benefit to individual nations. The U.S. is told that her responsibility demands that she provide leadership as the great super power, while accepting diminished liberty for her citizens 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Monday, December 30, 2013

Simone de Beauvoir: feminist vs. revelation

Known typically for her association with Jean Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir exerted an enduring influence upon modern day feminism. "One is not born, but rather becomes a woman" is the primal theme in The Second Sex. Some may not deem her a major philosopher, but to humanists, socialists and Marxists, she is an original thinker.  Philippe Knab deduces that in the Second Sex, “firstly, she put forward a series of empirical claims about women as the Other, that is, about what the role gender played in her society. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Friday, December 27, 2013

Treason Is Not Patriotic

The Patriot Act is pure treason.   What don’t you understand about the meaning of treason?  The entire purpose for the creation of America is based upon defeating despotism, limiting government on all levels and advancing liberty for individuals.  The State is an unfortunate reality, it needs to be feared and controlled.  Patriotic protection of oppressive government is a sickness.  Love of country means that citizens must oppose tyrannical government.  What is so difficult in understanding the difference between jingoism and traditional civil liberties?  There is nothing conservative about waving the bloody flag for a political structure bent upon destroying individual rights. 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Luciferian Technocrats Rule the New World Order

The condition of the state of the world is bleak. All signs point to a catastrophic day of reckoning. The worldview that places God as the creator of the universe is routinely dismissed as a myth or superstition. The adoration of scientific theory void of metaphysical presence is the Holy Grail for a culture of technocrats that manage the institutional components of a global order that places little value on life and individual Inherent Autonomy. Orderly obedience to the dictates of elitist secret societies is deemed the orthodox standard to manage a controlled chaos for the masses. By denying God and His sovereignty over man, the appeal of a Luciferian devotion immerges as the ultimate destiny for perfecting the evil nature of aspiring totalitarians.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Democratic Socialists vs. America First Populists

How many times do you have to hear that going off the financial cliff is a failure of controlling spending as opposed to a lack of revenue? Systemic deficits exist because government is too big, not because taxpayers are not paying their fair share. This assessment is sacrilege to the Democratic Socialists who make up both political parties. The "so called" debate over cutting back the growth in budgetary increases is void of any real substance or focus. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Monday, December 23, 2013

Protect Government Officials at all costs

Much of the coverage, about the tragic killings in Tucson, Arizona centers upon the deranged shooter, Jared Loughner. What is gradually coming out about this strange gunman is now very different from the initial reporting. Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford makes a miraculous recovery.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Friday, December 20, 2013

I Love DC

No other place on earth has as much appeal for aspiring autocrats than the bastion of indulgence that sprang up out of a swamp.  The Potomac cuts through the monuments as it flows to the sea - taking with it all the discharge and waste that inexorably comes from spent excess.  Where else can you find a place where nothing of value is created, no useful product is produced, completely void of any industrious endeavor? 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Bubble Ready to Pop?

A storm is on the horizon.  Just because it’s another hurricane season, the tempest ready to engulf will not be tracked by eyes in the skies.  A forecast for this whirlwind won’t be made on the weather channel or by a meteorologist.  The climate that triggers this downpour is financial.  The causes for this calamity have been brewing for decades.  The major fronts that push the airstreams toward disaster are well known.  

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Only an odd fellow would seek to defend the practice of a pagan celebration.  But that is exactly what the elves of evil secularism want you to do.  Their objection is directed towards a simple objective.  Remove Christ from society.  Those gnomes of multifariousness fanaticism have no room for the array of Christian believers.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Evil that is Democratic Thought

The mantra that democratic rule exists in the realm of governmental affairs has proven false. The fact that deficit spending is commonplace and acceptable to their populace links the social democracies in a feudal structure that most are unwilling to acknowledge. The practice of debt created bank money underlies every social policy and expenditure. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Banana Republic Ripe for a Coup d'état

The Disunited States of America is no longer a country of national union. From the inception of the U.S. Constitution, factions continually vied for power. Yet there was a blueprint of basic precepts generally accepted as the law of the land. The appearance of legitimacy was shattered a century and half ago, that foretold the “War of Northern Aggression”. The American Revolution permanently betrayed is but a memory of past glories. The rule of law now relegated to an exhibit in a wax museum.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Friday, December 13, 2013

Race is Still the Issue for the PC Culture

The media three-ring circus focus on the forthcoming trial of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin has all the hallmarks of another rush to judgment. Conviction in the press is nothing new, when the dominant liberal bleeding hearts feel offended. Others can relish on every detail, motivation and circumstance, but this viewpoint obscures the fundamental conflict that exists in society.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Radical Idea Control Your Own Ports

As with most political controversies, don’t let the facts get in the way of the arguments.  Already enough attention has been placed on the Dubai Ports government owned operations to make a world voyage on a Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. ship resemble a slow boat to China.  At Concorde speed the alarm alerts flash while rational lessons are ignored or slip at a snail's pace into the public consciousness. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Midget Minds and Lost Cojones

Americans are a hollow shell of their proud history. Their financial controllers have enslaved the few remaining hard working producers of actual wealth. Those who still cling to a feeble dream of getting ahead rationalize their captivity as the price needed to pay for success. It seems that only government parasites, leeching off the system, remain sheltered from the imminent outlook of a total melt down. The elites have implemented their master plan. All that is left is to gather up the remaining assets of the indebted public through a proscribed national bankruptcy. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Wal-Mart we all know and love

What does a famous pin ball wizard have in common with the planet's largest retailer? An internet version of the old bar room game has not exactly mastered the cyber world, as it has in the bricks and mortar arena. But why worry about e-commerce when you have so much  of the retail market in your hands? And it’s growing all the time . . . 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, December 9, 2013

Economic Insanity and Political Reality

Globalism is the embodiment of economic insanity.  There is nothing new in this scheme to supplant reality with Elysium.  Dating back before the common era the manipulations were entrenched.  From The Greatness and Decline of Rome, Guglielmo Ferrero, Vol. II, pg. 57:

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, December 6, 2013


The subject of medical reform and HMO's is one area where people of 'good will' can have valid differences. But those views may still not provide the solution that seems so illusive to develop. Profit is good in business. But is medicine really a business and should the normal rules of the market apply in the same manner? 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Thursday, December 5, 2013

NWO Overman is the Eupraxsophy of Transhumanism

The concept of Übermensch, is a German term generally associated with a superman. This Overman concept is much more than a school of thought viewpoint. It is a nightmare of untold propositions. Paul Kurtz is editor-in-chief of Free Inquiry. He states, "There is no word in the English language that adequately conveys the meaning of secular humanism.

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

To Protect and Serve

Whether you like the police or not, we all have experiences in dealing with them in one capacity or another. Officers are humans beings, your neighbor and maybe part of your own family. Robo Cop has yet to get a patrol car or go on duty. So why do so many public safety careerists want to be separate from the populace, while chasing a claim of special privilege?

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bretton Woods II - The Final Enslavement of Mankind

Charges of a conspiracy theory are a convenient pretext to dismiss criticism when the global financial elites meet to shape the next evolution of centralized control of all economic activity. When Mayer Amschel Rothschild admitted, "Give me the power of the money and it will not matter anymore who is commanding", he exposed the true nature of international finance. The new front man for the shadow masters of money is George Soros

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Monday, December 2, 2013

Eugene Joseph McCarthy a Man of Courage

Known as a Representative and a Senator from Minnesota, Eugene McCarthy was more a poet and philosopher, than politician.  What higher compliment can be made to a man who was elected to serve the people?  A society that does not remember or understand its past cannot and will never be able to confront the present let along challenge the future.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Friday, November 29, 2013

Investiture of Heretical Doctrine

“There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom.” - Text of Bush's Inaugural Speech

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful For More Than You Know

Thanksgiving is the one holiday celebration that expresses our own personality. Legal holidays that commemorate national anniversaries and religious observances, have their origin in institutions, civic and religious design. While the ritual of 'Turkey Day' is rooted in the feast of the Pilgrims. Each of us view the intention of giving thanks from our unique perspective. Football may reign supreme on the tube, and cranberry may dress up the plate, but the real purpose of this day, represents our humble gratefulness for all that we have been blessed to receive.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The core reasoning for intrusive intervention into the affairs of Free Men is the false notion that Altruism is a desired goal for society to implement. The proponents of the use of coercive force to impose their vision of a benevolent society require a moral basis for their demands of conformity. Their attempt to interject a culture of altruistic compassion as the substitute for personal responsibility is central to their model for a compliant society. Belief in their doctrine is a required necessity to coexist in their paradise of social equality. Tolerance exists only for those who accept allegiance to the tenants of multiculturalism.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain

No other modern day Christian philosopher is more traditional and consistent with time-honored values than Jacques Maritain.  The embodiment of the philosophical convention of Thomas Aquinas, this twentieth century Catholic revitalizes the intellectual foundations upon which all Western Civilization is based and fosters as a culture. His relevancy has grown with every passing year.  The absurdity in the political insanity of our age is a direct result of an abandonment in the primacy of the meaning in life.  The diktat that stems from the secular society is meant to eradicate Christianity from public existence. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Plan - Apartheid Wall

By now you must have seen the size of this gader hafradeh ("separation fence"). According to Nigel Parry on The Electronic Intifada: "Israel's Separation Barrier, dubbed the "Apartheid Wall" or "Berlin Wall" by Palestinians, has increasingly attracted international media attention, largely due to the hard-to-ignore scale of the project. The most obvious historical parallel to the barrier is the Berlin Wall, which was 96 miles long (155 kilometers). Israel's barrier, still under construction, is expected to reach at least 403 miles in length (650 kilometers). The average height of the Berlin Wall was 11.8 feet (3.6 metres), compared with the maximum* current height of Israel's Wall -- 25 feet (8 metres)." 

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Friday, November 22, 2013

"Toxic Obama" - the latest failed Presidency

Can you say - Jimmy Carter II? At the risk of insulting the peanut grower, the impostor with suspect naturalization credentials is poised to top the nightmare of the one term Trilateral Commission buffoon. Barack Hussein Obama’s plantation expertise surpasses the gentleman planter. Must be natural, coming from the genetic markers that fertilize the fields of human thralldom . . . This Manchurian Marxist foreigner, trained in the black art of subversion and Orphic worship thinks he is a candidate for elevation to messiah.  Never a sentence is uttered where I, the first-person, singular personal pronoun is not central to the thought. 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Thursday, November 21, 2013

AIPAC Zionists - the Archenemy of the American Nation

The habitual pilgrimage to kiss the ring of the “Khazar conspiracy” is upon us once again. The late great and trustworthy friend Alan Stang sheds light on the political movement called Zionism. “Presumably the Jews in Israel are Zionists, or they would leave. But there are only a few million Israelis. In the United States, there are scores of millions of Christians in mainline churches who are Zionists and who support Israel as staunchly as any Israeli, with funds as well as prayer.”

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Running Chinese Trade Deficits

Just look at the U.S. trade deficit and track the evaporation of your standard of living in one extended exhale of life’s breath.  Reported by the Economic Policy Institute, the U.S. Department of Commerce reported that the international deficit in goods and services trade reached a record level of $726 billion in 2005, an 18% increase over 2004. The growth of the trade deficit with China, which reached $202 billion in 2005, was responsible for the entire increase in the United States’ non-oil trade deficit.  Factor out the enormous cost of waging a contracted garrison presence in the Middle East and the subsequent increase in the cost of oil from regional market disruptions and you are left with a trade crisis that threatens the very economic independence of the American economy.  

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NAFTA verdict undeniable

In a quintessential cover story in the American Conservative - Death of Manufacturing - Pat Buchanan exposes the fraud of Free Trade. This is a must read, especially for those Libertarians who cling to the abstract notion that intellectual possibilities are viable and practical in the real world. Notwithstanding their fantasies, self interest and national economic independence is the supreme basis for economic policy that benefits citizens. Those who strive to generate profit upon unholy alliances are at best, befuddled accessories or worse case, greedy traitors.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Monday, November 18, 2013

Why be afraid of a trade war?

Before you dismiss such a question, you better read Tariffs For Survival Or Profits For Multinationals. The arguments used are even more valid after a year and a half. President George W Bush has proven he is a bigger whimp than his father. The reversal on his effective relief for the steel industry is a decision made by a man who capitulates to the real terrorists. Just savor the joy coming from the other side of the pond. "We in Europe, by standing together, by using the World Trade Organization and saying 'we're going to uphold the rules of world trade,' we've played our hand very, very effectively indeed." -- British Trade Secretary Patricia Hewitt, on SKY TV News. "These sanctions ... were there as a tool for compliance. They've complied and the sanctions will disappear." -- European Union Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Friday, November 15, 2013

States' Rights

The Tenth Amendment has long been ignored, but has never been invalidated. The United States adopted a "Federal" form for government that is based upon shared powers. The STATE was designed to balance and define authorities among different jurisdictions and sovereign entities. The central government was bound to the restrictions of a constitution.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Paul Tillich: the 'Apostle to the Intellectuals'

During this modern age few theologians have had more influence than Paul Tillich. His approach to cosmic questions dealt with the method of correlation found in science and the meaning of faith. In terms of his theological method Tillich's basic presupposition is that 'faith need not be unacceptable to contemporary culture and contemporary culture need not be unacceptable to faith' (Ford p. 88). Thus he sought to develop what has been termed a 'theology of culture' using the method of correlation. His appeal can be seen in his remarks: “Theology must be "answering theology"; it must adapt the Christian message to the modern mind while maintaining its essential truth and unique character” (Grenz/Olson p.117) 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Nature of American Denial

At the core of self delusion is the inability and/or the unwillingness of facing reality. While psychological disorders can often explain abnormal behavior in individuals, the exegesis for deviant social attitudes and accompanying conduct is reserved for society. Or so we are told! But does this make sense to you? As long as you accept that reality does exist and that it can be understood, it follows that we have the right, the ability and the obligation to comprehend it and adjust our actions accordingly.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The New World Order Feudal Enslavement System

From times immemorial, the top down authority imposition has been the rule. This system of control is the reason why excrement discharge flows downhill. The feudal model works well for the lords who sit atop the pyramid. Essentially the New World Order is the supreme evolution of the subjugation of the serf class. In spite of this fact, what keeps this inequitable delineation between the dominant and the spineless? Pure power and malicious behavior achieves the perfection of perdition, in this hierarchal slave gulag. Because it can be done and no force can stop the captivity is the cause of the suffering.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Monday, November 11, 2013

Playing the Lyre of Budget Madness as the Empire Burns

By Washington DC standards the just concluded budget agreement for funding the federal government through September, is a big win for Republicans. Emily Miller in Human Events describes, "The final agreement will be for $38.5 billion in cuts from current spending over the remaining six months of the current fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30. The spending cuts, although historic in size, account for only 2.5% of this year's projected budget deficit of $1.6 trillion." Here lies the obscenity of the central government; namely, that a mere drop in the bucket reduction in a historic deficit is lauded as the great achievement of compromised negotiations. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Friday, November 8, 2013

Party Goers - What Do You Take With Your Tea?

The Tea Party phenomenon erupted with a spontaneity seldom seen in a laid back political culture. Whatever your perception or the impression depicted in the media, there is no dispute that Rick Santelli's "rant" on the CME trading floor in Chicago, telecast live by CNBC on Feb. 19, 2009 initiated and tapped into a frustration brewing under the surface. Not exactly, the shot heard round the world; but more like a St Helens explosion, the economic and a moral argument rang clear. "This is America!" Santelli declared. "How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills?" 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Thursday, November 7, 2013

'Cosmic Consciousness' as Practiced For All To See

Witnessing the continuous replays from the massacre and destruction of the Twin Towers, one ordinarily seeks to understand the nature of the Evil that allows the commission of such dreadful crimes. As with most actions, behavior is motivated by the underlying beliefs, goals and aspirations of those involved. In this tragic event, we all have a difficult time accepting that such a callous disregard for innocent life is possible, from the hands of one man against another. So how can such cruelty be explained and how can it be averted from striking us again? 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wrong Solutions form the Left

While many Republican moderates and some conservatives support the Bush administration, most of them agree that those from the Left are plain dead wrong on their opposition. How nice it would be if it was that simple! The fools game of believing that political rhetoric is consistent with actual policy action is the one factor that can be countered upon to win every election. If Republicans really stood for limited government, we would support them at every turn. But we all know better or at least we should understand the real record doesn’t support the discourse. 

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


To comprehend the nature of national defense, you must be able to understand the forces that rule American policy and government. Foreign Policy has been hijacked for well over a century by elements of Elite's that endorse an Internationalist interventionism for the United States. This is a fact that cannot be denied. The relevant question has always been who benefits from this course? Attempts to answer this question within the confines of the popular political party distinctions is futile. Looking to explain foreign policy from the military industrial complex venue, also leave you with voids in analysis. 

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dasein for Authentic Conservatives

For individuals who are sincere in searching for authenticity, confronting their own prejudices is an essential step. The standard to determine if those propensities are valid, must answer the question: “is it so”? Attempts to reach an exegesis of life, needs to rely upon honesty about the texture of one’s own life and the spiritual nature that underpins our existence. Heidegger offers an insight that can be applied to the real world of politics. 

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Friday, November 1, 2013

Road to Serfdom, Yesterday and Today

The path to a Global Gulag is paved with failed promises and stern submission. The functions of governments change little over time. Only the intensity of applying current techniques of crowd control evolves for making the task easier to corral the rowdy into prisons of their minds. Force works because people allow themselves to be intimidated and government stooges are willing to rejoice in the celebration of human misery. The police state stems from an entitlement of State tyranny, which justifies its existence based upon an absolutism of authority.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Killer Elite Hit List

The notorious Nixon hit list seems so placid when compared to the actual lethal force used by President Barack Obama, that one wonders how long it will be before the drone fleet turns their target munitions inside our own borders. The recent disclosure that Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Hussein Obama pours over a master list of threats against the establishment regime and picks the most dangerous candidates for surgical removal, demonstrates the care and precision used against "certified terrorists". Such is the latest method of keeping the institutions of the "Homeland" safe from nasty combatants that challenge the officially recognized empire. 

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Operation Opera II - Israeli Attack on Iran

The worse kept secret is the joint plans of Israel and their American stooges for a sneak attack on Iran. Succumbing to the militaristic legacy of imperial Japan, the joint chiefs of staff are ready to facilitate or even lead a stealth charge against purported WMD targets. So what is their rationale? Since the deadly weapon facilities could not be found in Iraq, maybe they will be found in Iran? If Iran was ready to develop nuclear weapons, how is that any different from Israel already deploying 200 plus warheads? Especially since the Zionist belligerent is poised to strike Iran in a repeat of their “Operation Opera” against the Iraqi Osirak reactor in 1981. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

No Despotism - Only Independence

Despotism is the real obscenity. “You know it when you see it . . . “ According to the U.S. Supreme Court Obscenity Definition: 

1) A thing must be prurient in nature. 
2) A thing must be completely devoid of scientific, political, educational, or social value. 
3) A thing must violate the local community standards 

If it meets all three of these things, it is obscenity. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Monday, October 28, 2013

Curse of Multiculturalism

The continuous ruin of cultured society has been fostered by the lunacy of multiculturalism. The abstraction that pluralism is a virtue and that diversity is beneficial has produced a popular culture that hastens our own self-destruction. Mexifornia is more than a shift in population, it is an insult to our national intelligence and individual dignity. Lost in the rush to succumb and adjust to a systematic country-wide suicide, is a fear that confronting the overwhelming reality of invasion will paint one a leper in polite society. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Friday, October 25, 2013

Howard Beale: Where Are You?

There has never been a more fitting time to resurrect the sermons of our prophet of doom. Mad as hell, just does not mean the same any longer; and who among us, are not willing to take it any more? It does n’t get any worse, the last straw has been broken, as the courts suck and siphon the last sustenance from society. The Massachusetts high court has just penetrated our privates with their perversion. Rule by precedent is a pretext for legal repression, imposed under the guise of equal rights. Outrage is not enough for their arrogance. The impending outlook of ruin is no longer placed into the future. The future has become now, and there will be no reprieve.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Thursday, October 24, 2013


The reason that ultimate peace is impossible, is the simple reality that all parties don't want it. Every regime in the Arab world runs the risk of internal subversion from terrorists. Pakistan has a record of 'coup of the month', and the U.S. demands that they become an ally? The West is perceived as the tool of the Zionist. Israel looks upon themselves as the fifty-first state with veto power. Islam wants the West to respect their religion and not pervert their culture. The Oil Corporations need black gold to keep flowing. And the American public wants the NFL to play on Sunday.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Grand Inquisitor Planet

Understanding the world is difficult at best. However, knowing how the world works is a task that can be readily recognized. The ability to grasp and admit both functions, is seldom achieved by most souls. Those who accomplish a rare and accurate comprehension of the human condition, appreciate the social conflict that permeates civilized life. Society is an invention to effect dominance. The Grand Inquisitor exacts compliance, for that is his function. Not that it is essential, but because it is ingrained and instinctive.

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Globalism - Sun Tzu and The Art of War

The Orient has developed in a very distinct and exotic way from Western Europe. Any traveler or student of the Far East recognizes the vast differences. The concept of holistic is a term that is commonly applied to a form of medicine, but within the varied cultures of China it has a critical meaning that emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. Mutuality in the family creates a reciprocity within the community. The values of ethics reflects a symbiosis that is judged by the benefits to the whole. That may sound appealing on the surface, but in practice the group becomes the ultimate criterion for a fluid moral behavior.

Monday, October 21, 2013

NOVO ORDO SECLORUM - NeoCon Hell on Earth

The 20th Century was the most destructive era in history. Deaths from all the wars and the genocides estimated at 160 million may seem small if the planet descends into the approaching holocaust. Globalization is the catchword of the ruling class. Sovereign nations are obsolete to the corporatists. Militarization for suppressing conflicts is the mission, since warfare among nations are passé. The old alliances based upon ethnic composition or ideology has vanished. Only dissenters against the New World Order pose a threat to the Novo Ordo Seclorum

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Friday, October 18, 2013

Outsourcing, Nation Building and Open Borders

Outsourcing has been part of the globalist scheme for decades.  Sold under the misnomer of Free Trade the real intent is to drain a domestic self-sustaining economy from internal independence.  The stark reality of exporting living wage jobs and laying waste to crucial industrialized segments of an effective economy benefits only the transnational corporatoracy.  The lust for cheap labor drives every possible job overseas.  Real wage purchasing power sinks with each decade.  Replacement employment in new-fangled ventures and fields seldom provide a compatible level of inflationary adjusted remuneration.  

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Party Goers - What Do You Take With Your Tea?

The Tea Party phenomenon erupted with a spontaneity seldom seen in a laid back political culture. Whatever your perception or the impression depicted in the media, there is no dispute that Rick Santelli's "rant" on the CME trading floor in Chicago, telecast live by CNBC on Feb. 19, 2009 initiated and tapped into a frustration brewing under the surface. Not exactly, the shot heard round the world; but more like a St Helens explosion, the economic and a moral argument rang clear. "This is America!" Santelli declared. "How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills?"

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Love DC

No other place on earth has as much appeal for aspiring autocrats than the bastion of indulgence that sprang up out of a swamp.  The Potomac cuts through the monuments as it flows to the sea - taking with it all the discharge and waste that inexorably comes from spent excess.  Where else can you find a place where nothing of value is created, no useful product is produced, completely void of any industrious endeavor?  Absent in the practice of wealth creation has not hindered the establishment of temples.  The cornerstones of an empire are fueled by the tribute extracted from the soil of the land.  The superhighway of sustenance runs in only one direction.  The life blood of survival comes in, that allows the organism of privilege to sustain its preeminent dominance.  A one way street that is divided into quadrants, named with letters and circumvented by broad boulevards.  How can it get any better than this?  You just got to LOVE DC.

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How to elect a Republican President

There are still some dedicated Republicans that remain loyal to their party. The question is how may politicians within that party can claim that same distinction? While the failures of investing your own integrity and purpose in such political organizations should be quite obvious, many still are determined to wear the party label. So what can a staunch GOP supporter do when their President self implodes?

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, October 14, 2013



Just What Is National Defense? 

To comprehend the nature of national defense, you must be able to understand the forces that rule American policy and government. Foreign Policy has been hijacked for well over a century by elements of Elite's that endorse an Internationalist interventionism for the United States. This is a fact that cannot be denied. The relevant question has always been who benefits from this course? Attempts to answer this question within the confines of the popular political party distinctions is futile. Looking to explain foreign policy from the military industrial complex venue, also leave you with voids in analysis.

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Friday, October 11, 2013

Kierkegaard as a Political Man

How can anyone be considered apolitical when his earliest writing was a polemic against women's liberation? Could he be depicted as a nineteenth century misogynist or is his intuition well-founded for the ages? In  “Another Defense of Woman's Great Abilities”, using the pseudonym “A”, Kierkegaard “paints exaggerated pictures of transformations that, in his opinion, are likely to occur in the wake of female liberation. He resorts to ridicule […] and pokes fun at the woman presumptuous enough to cross the boundaries naturally allotted to her sex”.

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The CFR - NeoCon Connection

Americans have always had a conservative sense about themselves. Even in the torment of its founding, an optimistic belief in the principles of individual freedom moved colonists to create a nation based upon natural rights. Our Declaration of Independence embodies universal ideals, in a revolutionary statement. The inherent populism within our heritage declares that people matter and a healthy distrust of the State is prudent. Limited government, free enterprise and non intervention in foreign affairs is our tradition.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Toxic Obama" - the latest failed Presidency

Can you say - Jimmy Carter II? At the risk of insulting the peanut grower, the impostor with suspect naturalization credentials is poised to top the nightmare of the one term Trilateral Commission buffoon. Barack Hussein Obama’s plantation expertise surpasses the gentleman planter. Must be natural, coming from the genetic markers that fertilize the fields of human thralldom . . . This Manchurian Marxist foreigner, trained in the black art of subversion and Orphic worship thinks he is a candidate for elevation to messiah.  Never a sentence is uttered where I, the first-person, singular personal pronoun is not central to the thought.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Future of the Conservative Movement

Decades of despair and a constant descent into oblivion are the only tangible legacy of the American Empire. The vast majority are disenfranchised from any meaningful levels of power or decision-making. Elites or all stripes and ideologies share a fundamental bond of desire; namely, control of the herds for the benefit of the few. Conservatism has lost its way. Bedrock principles have been betrayed. Natural rights are relegated to the burial crypt. Moreover, phony cryptic Judas’ make themselves out as patriots. They speak the "PC" rhetoric and claim to be traditionalist, while they dig the hole deeper to bury the meaning of the American Revolution.

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Senate of Subversion

The "World's greatest deliberative body" - the U.S. Senate - claims to be the mainstay of individual liberty, minority rights and legislative temperance.  In many circles, the exulted accolades that are bestowed upon this body of lawmaking elders approach reverence.  While some of the most heralded figures in American politics have served in this august body, the chronicle of the last half-century is a very mixed record of accomplishments.  Most observers view the Senate as the senior chamber in Congress while calling the House the people's body.  Examine the cast of characters that now hold office and ask, are they really defenders of national virtue or are they conspiratorial collaborators in the systematic destruction of a free and independent nation?

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Friday, October 4, 2013

Special Privileges For Feds

If you believe that Martha Stewart is an enemy of the state, you are right. However, is she a desperado that deserves the fate of corporate plungers? Well, the art of stealing from public companies is often rewarded for the skilled crook; but if you are caught in a lie, you are the worst of the worse. The focal point in this soap opera is missed by the media. Back in June of 2002, in Steward of the Public Trust, we asked: "Should Ms. Stewart be tarred and feathered for using etiquette banned by the SEC? Or are we supposed to swing Martha's stockbroker, Peter Bacanovic, from the highest tree for getting her out of a down market?"

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Senate and Imperial Rule

International affairs have always been an active area of involvement for the U.S. Senate. The public perception is that this deliberate body is the seat of wisdom for our elders. And who better than the dean of this august body, Robert C. Byrd, to depict the role of this assemblage. Back on September 15, 1998 as part of a lecture series, the Senator from West Virginia gave the address - The Great Forum of Constitutional Liberty.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Religious Meaning as the Art of the Existential Experience

As any devoted person to the search for the meaning of life knows and admits, the question of God is central. The decision to accept not only the existence of God but his supremacy over the universe is the most significant decision that one can make. Those who reject this conclusion, set themselves up for a man centered cosmos. Logical evidence, intelligent arguments and rational proof are unnecessary, for in the end only belief is needed. All the scientists who ever lived can’t disprove God, while every theologian who ever preached can’t certify his existence to those who are unwilling to believe.

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Duty to Dissent

Now that President George W Bush has put into motion the dogs of war, what is the duty of a citizen during this time of conflict? Most will rally around the flag as a knee jerk flinch of social expectation. Others may reflect about the gravity of the moment and offer reserved support. Then there are those who march to a different drummer. They see their duty and purpose as adhering to the ideals upon which this nation was founded and claims to protect and defend. For those who seek the moral course, profound questions demand an answer.

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Monday, September 30, 2013

No Labels = the Ignorant Middle

The American electorate seldom demonstrates an ability to resist the appeals of slick marketing and charlatan candidates. The "so called" swing vote is the battleground where every election is fought. View the vast middle as the ill-equipped idiots that continually waste their vote on establishment surrogates who always protest the corporate/state as their primary campaign pledge. They spin it with charming platitudes, but in the end, they shield their corporate masters.

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Friday, September 27, 2013

Real Reform to Restore a Republic

Real reform seems virtually unattainable.  Restoring a form of government that was never really established may look even more impossible.  Yet, activists that seek a substantiate form of governance are confronted with the need to become pragmatic about what defines a legitimate government.  In the wake of the latest round of political scandals just what can genuine conservatives do to advocate a common sense alternative to bipartisan criminality?  The first step is to boldly and objectively acknowledge the root flaws in what has become an insane depiction of equalitarian democracy. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Populism, Progressives and Public Unions

The divide in the Disunited States of America opened wider with the concerted effort of progressives and teacher union’s latest escape from reality. When people lament that there is little civility left in this country, they mostly refuse to face facts. There is a pitch battle for the hearts and minds of citizens. So far the public education lobby has been winning the war. Their victory is self-evident with the sorry state of literacy much less rational ability that passes for the collective consciousness of the public. The prime directive and accomplishment of the government school system is the development of a society of fools and idiots. Here, here to the union of public thugs and sophists, who work diligently to destroy the American Nation.

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gun Control = Government Security

"This election means a great deal to all Marylanders. It is not just a simple choice between two candidates. It is a choice about which direction Maryland will take in the coming years." - Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
So says the latest reinvented panderer, a nefarious siren, from the clan of America's most disgraced political family. What a legacy from the extended progeny of the dysfunctional. But she is not speaking about mere policy direction. No; she is consumed with offending the common sense of the residents in "The Old Line State". Their motto is "Fatti maschii, parole femine" which can be interpreted as "strong deeds, gentle words" - it used to be interpreted as "manly deeds, womanly words" but it was officially reinterpreted in January 2001. 

Read the entire article on the Strappado Wrack archives

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Howard Beale: Where Are You?

There has never been a more fitting time to resurrect the sermons of our prophet of doom. Mad as hell, just doesn’t mean the same any longer; and who among us, are not willing to take it any more? It doesn’t get any worse, the last straw has been broken, as the courts suck and siphon the last sustenance from society. The Massachusetts high court has just penetrated our privates with their perversion. Rule by precedent is a pretext for legal repression, imposed under the guise of equal rights. Outrage is not enough for their arrogance. The impending outlook of ruin is no longer placed into the future. The future has become now, and there will be no reprieve.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives

Monday, September 23, 2013

After Afghanistan


How Many More Afghanistan's?

By your thinking this 'so called' War on Terror will be endless. Any group that is designated as opposed to American Foreign Policy will now become the target of the wrath of overwhelming power. You are content with this formula for continuous turmoil, because it allows for a perpetual intervention, throughout the world. Did you not learn anything from the tragic 1983 outcome in Lebanon when countries impose themselves in the middle of a civil war?

Read the entire debate from the Dueling Twins archives

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thomas Jefferson’s Revolution

No doubt you will recognize the popular wisdom of Thomas Jefferson regarding Liberty, but are you familiar with what he said in a letter to John Adams, late in his life? "To attain all this (universal republicanism), however, rivers of blood must yet flow, and years of desolation pass over; yet the object is worth rivers of blood, and years of desolation." - September 4, 1823

The history of the American Revolution is usually portrayed as a struggle for independence. The hidden story is that the brief experiment with a Republic, was crushed before it ever had a chance to succeed. Autonomy from the Crown, didn’t guarantee Liberty for citizens. When Jefferson penned the decisive essential declaration, “he drew heavily on the doctrines concerning the general principles of liberty and the rights of man which Locke set forth in his work; Of Civil Government. In particular, in the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson copied Locke's words, "Life, liberty and property" which were subsequently changed to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" ”. While property has a very narrow meaning in modern society; back then, it intended a profound significance and limiting factor on government.

Read the entire essay from the Solitary Purdah archives

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is Conservative Populism?

Do you consider yourself a conservative? Many well intentioned but misguided souls like to maintain a fallacy that they are part of the right-wing; especially when they support Republicans. These bewildered partisans have bought into an illusion that a conservative is a supporter of the status quo. They often believe that any politician who proclaims they are a champion of a GOP regime are really traditionalists. Some even go so far as to consider it impossible for any Democrat to hold any sentiments that could possibly resemble a conservative viewpoint.

While it is difficult to speak well of any Democrat over the last century, it is becoming exceedingly routine to reject Republican party loyalists as just camouflaged clones for socialist policies. Calling yourself a conservative, doesn’t mean you walk the walk . . .

Read the entire essay from the Global Gulag archives

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Obamacare is a Public Requiem by Supreme Decree

Do you have an absolute right to refuse medical treatment? Well, if you recognize the immutable authority of natural rights, you must defend the birthright of individuals to reject the quackery of government-imposed medicine. Common law clearly discerns that there are limits on the power of governments to force human beings into becoming pinned up sheep, against their will. Already far too many cowardly citizens are eager to comply with the next dictate of a tyrannical regime. Subsequently, when the death panels summon you into their diagnostic pool of drugs, why would you want to accept the pharmaceutical prescription for a controlled and managed demise?

Read the entire essay from the Totalitarian Collectivism archives

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Outsourcing, Nation Building and Open Borders

Outsourcing has been part of the globalist scheme for decades.  Sold under the misnomer of Free Trade the real intent is to drain a domestic self-sustaining economy from internal independence.  The stark reality of exporting living wage jobs and laying waste to crucial industrialized segments of an effective economy benefits only the transnational corporatoracy.  The lust for cheap labor drives every possible job overseas.  Real wage purchasing power sinks with each decade.  Replacement employment in new-fangled ventures and fields seldom provide a compatible level of inflationary adjusted remuneration. 

Read the entire essay from the Radical Reactionary archives

Monday, September 16, 2013

Localism for a Free Republic

Lew Rockwell asked the following question: “What do you do with a state – a highly centralized and militarized state – that has unconstrained hegemonic ambitions and is a proven threat to its citizens and other nations around the world?”  No doubt the consequences of internationalism make up the bulk of the daily news cycle.  But how many ordinary people really care what transpires in every remote corner of the world!  Most average citizens are struggling to get through another torturous day and keep their head above water.  

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

Friday, September 13, 2013

911 has become the ultimate excuse

The paramount pretext that consumes the law-abiding culture is that 911 has changed everything. Well, the only aspect that has altered the natural symmetry is that a fabricated diversion has inundated the rational capacities of ordinary citizens. Drowning in a sea of self denial, Americans have accepted the mind control environment and defend the subversive society. What the establishment say is true, the sheeple embrace as truth.

Read the entire essay from the Strappado Wrack archives

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Full Spectrum Dominance

The military doctrine of 'Full Spectrum Dominance' is the vision for the twenty first century. As the term implies, superiority over the entire range of battlefield threats, is the goal that will ensure victory. This viewpoint for combat extends it's dogma of mastery, far beyond the field of war. The essence of the political struggle, in this era of total compliance, is complete control. The New World Disorder is about the elimination of all resistance. The front lines are not limited to opposing defenses, they encompass the entire society.

Read the entire essay from the View from the Mount archives