Monday, April 7, 2014

2006 Predictions and Realities

Since 2006 is an election year, it can be safely predicted that the mainstream news will have a focus on covering meaningless political races.  The press will preach how important all these faceless campaigns will be, but in the end, very little ever changes.  What makes this Congressional season different from other cycles is that the undercurrent will be who will emerge to succeed George W. Bush.  In fact the game that will be covered has the hidden agenda of priming the pump for the next emperor to be crowned in 2008.  This is the sad state of affairs of United States national elections.  The politics of substance will be concealed for the appearance of a democratic changing of the guard.  Make no mistake about it the same sentinel for the status quo of establishment socialism is the eventual outcome. 

Read the entire essay from the Inherent Autonomy archives

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